This page is an index and is part of a Major Arcana Work Reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by mistake you may prefer Interactive Online Tarot or if you looked for a Major Arcana Work Reading with the Mage Deck try a search; everything has tags so search for “work,mage,major arcana” and you should find what you want.
Career, Work Or Retirement
Consulting the tarot can be just the thing you need to get valuable, unbiased guidance on work or retirement related matters. If you want to know whether you will be successful in your career, then there are 10 card of the 78 that bode very well for your career and many more that give guidance on career, work and retirement. A work or career reading is useful for finding which steps you can take to find the right career for you, seeing ways to create a harmonious work-life balance, seeking guidance on the next steps you need to take. Aces in a career reading indicate new beginnings.
You’ve no doubt heard the saying, “A bad workman blames his own tools.” Well the “tools” being blamed could be a host of things. It could be people, such as our work colleagues that are to blame for things not going right, for the situation we find ourselves in. It could be the company we work for, or our inabilty to find work or advance in our career. This is where a work or career tarot reading can help.
Timing: When a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card, this indicates that the major event has already is past and the influences of the card impact on it.
- 00-The Fool Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 00-The Fool Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 01-The Mage Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 01-The Mage Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 02-The High Priestess Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 02-The High Priestess Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 03-The Empress Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 03-The Empress Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 04-The Emperor Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 04-The Emperor Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 05-The Hierophant Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 05-The Hierophant Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 06-The Lovers Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 06-The Lovers Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 07-The Chariot Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 07-The Chariot Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 08-Strength Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 08-Strength Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 09-The Hermit Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 09-The Hermit Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 10-The Wheel of Fortune Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 10-The Wheel of Fortune Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 11-Justice Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 11-Justice Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 12-The Hanged Man Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 12-The Hanged Man Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 13-Death Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 13-Death Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 14-Temperance Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 14-Temperance Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 15-The Devil Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 15-The Devil Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 16-The Tower Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 16-The Tower Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 17-The Star Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 17-The Star Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 18-Luna Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 18-Luna Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 19-The Sun Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 19-The Sun Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 20-Judgment or Rejuvenation Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 20-Judgment or Rejuvenation Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 21-Gaia Reversed Mage Work Tarot Reading
- 21-Gaia Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading

With deep rich colors, the overall look is dark at times, as the deck was originally set in a ‘ World of Darkness’. The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.
If a Major Arcana card appears in you reading, heres what you need to know:
Major Arcana cards show up when things are happening that pull us towards a certain destiny or path. Many Major Arcana cards in a reading is often a sign that our Spirit Guides and Angels are working behind the scenes to set everything up for us so that we can live the lives we are destined to live. While the Minor Arcana cards focus on the everyday actions and decisions you must face, these Major Arcana cards reveal messages about the bigger picture of your life and its long-term direction. A major arcana card represents an energy that is deep, strong, decisive or long-term. When a major arcana card appears in a reading, you have tapped into a powerful energy in some area of your life. The minor arcana cards do not carry the same weight, but they are still important. They chart the ups and downs of daily life and register changes in feelings and thoughts. These dramas are gripping while they occur, but they pass with time as new concerns take their place.
The major arcana are signposts to things, events, and people, that are meant to be taken more seriously and looked at more closely, in general, than the minor arcana cards will generally represent.
Timing: When a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card, this indicates that the major event has already is past and the influences of the card impact on it.
This index hold a link to all pages for a Work Tarot Readings Mage Tarot Deck Major Arcana. You will find many more tarot readings pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. Please see our book suggestions below.
Here are some short extracts from my favorite books to give you a feel for the book.
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Esoteric texts of Hindu philosophy, believed to have been written between the eighth and seventh centuries BC, which reflect on the mysteries of death and the oneness of the universe. The Upanishads lay the foundations for meditation techniques and ideas later developed in Buddhism and Hinduism. The term Upanishad derives from the Sanskrit words upa (near), ni(down) and sad (to sit): thus sitting down near a spiritual teacher to receive instruction.
Elements of the Psychic World: Fletcher, Fords control, produced the communication, Rosabelle, believe. Bess immediately confirmed that this was the password she had worked out with her husband prior to his death and spiritualists rejoiced that Houdini the sceptic had joined forces with them in death.
- Do get in touch if you looked for Work Tarot Readings Mage Tarot Deck Major Arcana and you don’t see what you want. We would be more than happy to help. In the meantime do try our many interactive tarot readings online.
Elements of the Psychic World: Fletcher, Fords control, produced the communication, Rosabelle, believe. Bess immediately confirmed that this was the password she had worked out with her husband prior to his death and spiritualists rejoiced that Houdini the sceptic had joined forces with them in death.