This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Two of Wands specifically try The Two of Wands Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
You can expect things to go well in your working world; you may be pleasantly surprised by new business or new procedures at work – or even by a new job offer. The time may have come, on the other hand, to leave a working situation which has been good for you in the past. Don’t burn your bridges, if you do decide to leave.
Card Meanings: Indecisiveness, Cancelled Emigration, Cancelled Or Delayed Travel, Being Held Back, Deciding Not Go, Fear Of The Unknown, Self-Doubt, Disappointment, Choosing The Safest Option, Lack Of Planning, Domination, Restricted Options, Impatience, Staying Put, Choosing A Mundane Life, Anti-Climax, Fear Of Change
This card is often about balance. It will be important for you to keep your balance in every way that you can – even to the mundane, boring things like eating right and getting enough rest. These things will be very helpful to you during this time. The Two of Wands also often indicates a partnership with one other person. This can be business or personal, or both.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Two of Wands using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: The Two of Wands represents mastery and connection. The man on the card is in control of his situation. What he has is stable, and so now he is looking to expand his horizons. The globe shows a command over the world and a sense of connectedness.
Tarot Triumphs: Unfortunately, these packs in popular use would naturally tend to wear out, or be lost or discarded, so there are very few packs or even single cards left in existence. Tarot historian Michael Dummett suggests that only three decks have survived out of at least one million Tarot packs in circulation in France in the seventeenth century.8 This is still enough, however, to see how the prime twenty-two Trump version of the Tarot was shaping up in France and other countries, and for contemporary scholars to distinguish two or three main variants within that evolution. However, our knowledge of the development and circulation of Tarot is still patchy and open to speculation. The story is not over yet, and there is plenty of scope for keen researchers to dig further into its history.
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Reversed Cards: Can the light actually be reversed? I mean, is the sun any different upside down than it is right-side up? The answer would, of course, be no. A burning ball of gas rotating around in space is going to look the same from any angle. It is also going to do the same thing: burn and give off light and heat. This means that this section, even though it is dedicated to the reversal aspect of the Sun card can also be used when the Sun is in its upright position. You just have five other ways to look at how light, heat, and movement are showing up in your life. The Sun is number nineteen in the major arcana. Combine one and nine to make ten, and as we discussed with the Wheel of Fortune card, ten is a karmic ending or a karmic cycle come to completion. The ten of course must be taken down to its singular numerological value, which is a one. Here in the Sun we see the singular journey, or, more to the point, the light at the end of the individualÂ’s karmic journey. The one hints to something new, and the nine shows the ending. The number one is about beginnings, and nine is what we leave behind. The Sun allows both of those things to be burned in its purifying fire and rebirthed just like the phoenix.