This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Two of Swords specifically try The Two of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
In terms of finances, The Two of Swords shows a need for balance and caution. Make sure you know where you are money-wise, to the penny. Hiding from issues will not solve them. If you need extra income, know that you can make it happen, you’ll just need to be creative. The easiest thing to do is probably to cut your expenses. What are you spending that is not an absolute necessity? Balance your books. If you need help to do so, ask for it.
Card Meanings: Inability To See The Truth, Difficult Decisions, Balanced, Truce, Painful Choices, Sitting On The Fence, Trouble, Stalemate, Being Torn Between Two Relationships, Stressful Decisions, Facing Your Fears, Indecision, Opposition, Being Caught In The Middle, Cross Roads, Blindness, Divided Loyalty, Avoidance, Denial
The Two of Swords is often a card about partnership and balance. It usually refers to a ‘partnership’ with just one other person as opposed to with groups of people. This card shows a need for give and take (none of us are always right 100% of the time, and everyone to some degree has something to offer.) Consider to what degree your life, and your partnerships, are in balance.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Two of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: So you have two possible options, ideas, or solutions. But which one do you pick? The good news is here in the protection aspect you dont have to. Well, not yet, anyway. When the Two of Swords shows up in the protection aspect, it is letting you know that you actually have some time to think long and hard about what is being offered up. The Two of Swords in the protection aspect could be the best news you have had all week, or it could be the worst, especially if you were hoping for a quick and swift resolution to your current question, problem, or dilemma. Explore your swords and take all the time you need to make a decision that you wont regret or second guess. You will get the clarity youre seeking if you just slow down and take your time.
Reversed Cards: The upright position of this card often has an element of community or family to it. But here in the blocked aspect, you are not inclined to be a team player. All of that ‘tribe’ nonsense means nothing to you. You can do it all by yourself. Who needs a community, right? Well, heres the thing, while you are busy blocking the shortest possible way to your dreams, you are also making yourself miserable. We all need people. Like it or not, you will have to join the rest of the world eventually.
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Tarot Card Meanings: Six of Pentacles; in relation to money this suggests a gift or the act of giving. The card represents financial security and philanthropy in some form. Reversed; generally jealousy and envy in a financial context may cause harm.