This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Two of Swords specifically try The Two of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
Card Meanings: Emotional Coldness, Release, Indecision, Information Overload, Overly Cautious, Mental Turmoil, Lies Being Exposed, Seeing The Truth, Postponements, Delays, Holding Onto Anxiety Or Resentment, Unscrupulous, Overwhelming Fears/Worry/ Anxiety/ Stress, Emotional Detachment, Emotional Turmoil
The Lord of Peace is a card which advises us to climb to the high ground in order to get a perspective, particularly on any emotional difficulties that we might have. Sometimes, a conflict bogs us down so badly in our reactions that we find it difficult to achieve an objective view. Instead we wallow about, knee deep in hurt feelings and negativity, never able to get an overview. Yet if we can just move our position a little, see the centre of the conflict, often we perceive the whole situation more clearly. And once we manage that, a way through the tangle becomes apparent. When we can see that pathway we know what we need to do, and it’s easy to see what’s really important and what is rubbish that we collected along the way. So on a day ruled by the 2 of Dynamism, if there are any issues about which you feel emotionally sore and unhappy, make a deliberate and conscious effort to get to the high ground, above the situation.
If you have no pressing emotional hurts right now, pick a matter that causes you concern more randomly – a long-running confusion, maybe, or something which you wish could have been resolved in the past. Use the same process of climbing above it with the intention of finding another way of looking at it, which is more comfortable for you than the one you now have. And then stick with it, and enjoy the sense of peacefulness that comes from finding a solution to something that hurts you! In readings, the Two of Dynamism often appears when you are not willing to accept some truth about yourself or the situation. What are you really feeling? Are you resisting tender feelings because you might be hurt? Are you furious even though you’re smiling? What are you refusing to look at? Notice the blindfold on this woman. She can’t look at the truth or even acknowledge that there is trouble.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Two of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The Two of Swords already has a bit of a dark side to it. The figure is in the dark, blindfolded, with two swords in her grasp. You really do get quite the goth vibe from this card. This card has long been associated with initiations and rites of passage. Secret clubs and societies smack of ego-based intent. In order to belong, you have to jump through some stupid hoops, like, say, sitting in the dark blindfolded, holding two massive swords. Dont let that ache in your arms be a distraction! When this card makes its way into your reading, just be careful that you are not allowing yourself to be swayed by the ego. Check your intent and make sure it is really aligned with who you wish to be and not how you wish others to see you.
Reversed Cards: When I was first learning the tarot, I became deeply fascinated with the card of Judgment, mainly because it really means the opposite of its title. Which, for whatever reason, enthralled me. I mean, here we have a card that is clearly labeled Judgment, yet it means the complete opposite. This card is the liberation of labels, the cleansing of sins, and the rebirth of a pure self. This really should be called the card of redemption or the card of forgiveness, which makes this an even more interesting card to work with in its reversed state. Here on the flip side of redemption, forgiveness, and purity, we have guilt, shame, and of course judgment. This card is powered by the number two. It shows two aspects coming together for a mutually beneficial outcome. In the reversed aspects of this card, however, finding this resolution to benefit all may be tricky. Regardless of which way this card presents itself, there is an opportunity, a sacred space being offered up for healing and clearing. Whether or not you take it is up to you.
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Angel Encyclopedia: angels of destruction 3739, 38f angels of disease. See disease angels of glory 39 Angels of Mastemoth 39 angels of mercy 39 angels of Mons. See Mons, Angels of angels of peace 26, 40 angels of prostitution 40 angels of punishment 11, 40 angels of the air 40, 41 angels of the cardinal directions 40, 41 angels of the days of the week 4042,