This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Two of Pentacles specifically try The Two of Pentacles Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
The Two of Pentacles in reverse carries many of the same concerns in a love context as it does upright. If you are currently in a committed relationship, other concerns may be pulling your attention away from your beloved. Be sure that your partner knows how much you care and how much you appreciate them. If you are looking for love, be sure that you are not fooling yourself about how ready you really are for a deep relationship to come into your life. If you are constantly filling all your time with work or with distractions, there may not be room in your life for a partner. Evaluate.
Card Meanings: No Contingency Plan, Too Many Balls In The Air, Lacking Balance, Discouragement, Biting Off More Than You Can Chew, Overwhelmed, Difficulty, Lack Of Organisation, Financial Losses, Overextending Yourself, Poor Financial Decisions
The Lord of Change brings in a necessary breath of fresh air to sweep away stagnation, and brush the dust off the things we need to get done. Everything is constantly changing around us. My favourite example of change is the sky……so on a day ruled by the Lord of Change, go and watch the sky. Look at the way it alters in every single moment. Never for more than a few seconds does it create the same pattern. This is a revelation of the inner you……. constantly changing, growing, expanding, altering. Your body cells change in every living second. Your thoughts flash faster than computer messages. Your memory stores a vast wealth of information, and is steadily adding more and more. This day that you now experience will never come again….tomorrow will be different, because you are.
Some people are afraid of change and alternation in life….. Some people spend too much energy trying to keep things the same…… But you would not consider fixing the sky in any one final pattern would you? So…..dont do it to yourself. Allow excitement and joy to run alongside change in your life…..and you will get so much more out of everything. In readings, the Two of Pentacles lets you know that you can juggle all demands made upon you. In fact, you will relish the excitement of every hurdle. If you do not feel this level of confidence right now, this card asks you to believe in yourself. You have all you need to meet your every goal and more. Embrace the challenge. The Two is also a symbol of fun, laughter and good times. It is definitely a high-energy card. If you are feeling tired or depressed, this card may be a sign that greater vitality will be yours. If you are feeling revved already, the Two of Pentacles could be a warning against overstimulation. Be sure you get the rest you need so that you can enjoy the up energy of this card.
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Two of Pentacles using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Sometimes we look at our lives and know that we are really having a lot of fun. Sure, we might have a lot going on, and, yes, we might have a lot of balls in the air at any given time, but we are enjoying it. There is something to be said for setting yourself a challenge and then watching how you pull it all off. Here in the mirror aspect of the Two of Pentacles, you are getting that chance. You are getting to see the fun you have when you push yourself, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, and achieve more than you ever thought possible. Life doesnt always have to be stressful and bad; sometimes it can be stressful and fun. Stress itself doesnt know the difference. Only you do.
Portable Magic: zodiac sign associated with Temperance in the Golden Dawn correspondences, Sagittarius the Archer. I know that Mathers and others who commented on the Golden Dawn Tarot went to great lengths to justify the link between Temperance and Sagittarius in their writings. Much of what they wrote is plausible and persuasive. Even so, I have never been convinced.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Two of Pentacles Rider Waite Love Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Cleveland.
Psychic Abilities : Just like the other four psychic abilities there are some exercises that you can do to help develop these abilities. However, these abilities are bit harder to practice than the others are. The best way to practice these abilities is to ask your spirit guides for help. Ask them to provide you with a scent or a taste that represents them or even just a random one. You can also try creating your own scents and smells using a deck of cards, pick on for red and one for black. Shuffle the cards and with the cards facing down taste or smell the card to determine what color it is.