This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Two of Pattern specifically try The Two of Pattern Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
Pay attention to the bottom line, be sure that you know where you are financially. You may need to get things in balance, e.g. either spending less or bringing in more money in order to build a sounder financial future. This is a good time to invest (wisely.) This is not necessarily a great time to spend or speculate financially.
Card Meanings: Flexibility, New Projects, Transferring Money, Adaptability, Profit And Loss, Ups And Downs, Balancing Books, Financial Stress, Juggling Life, Resourcefulness, Trying To Find Balance, Helpful, Financial Decisions, Income And Outgoings, Balance, Juggling Money, Harmony
The Two of Pattern is a card about balance, often also about partnership. You are likely to be trying to keep two broad areas of life (money and health, love and work, etc.) in balance. This card is generally considered to be a positive omen.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Two of Pattern using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: This change to the traditional order of the trumps was made by Mathers to better make the trumps harmonize with the zodiac signs of the Hebrew letters linked to these cards. When a one-to-one link is made between the trumps in their traditional order with the Fool at the beginning (after the practice of Eliphas Levi) and the Hebrew letters in their natural order, it is found that the trump Justice receives the zodiac sign of Leo, the Lion, and the trump Strength receives the zodiac sign of Libra, the Scales. However, on
Tarot Triumphs: Again, you do not have to share your ritual or prayer with the other person. Tarot reading is a cooperative but not necessarily democratic process. Setting up the space is the diviner’s task, to be done with goodwill as he or she sees fit, and the process need not be explained to the querent. The querent is, or should be, largely in receptive mode, as someone who comes with a genuine question and is open to understanding what the cards might reveal. The job at hand for the Tarot practitioner is therefore to set up the best conditions for this reading.
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Tarot Triumphs: Divination is linked to time. We ask a question at a particular moment in time, and the answer that comes emerges from that moment. Even if the question has been mulled over for a long time, the act of asking it, of shuffling and laying out the cards, produces what is in effect a unique situation. The specific way the cards fall out for a Tarot reading is born out of this moment of asking the question. The chemistry between reader and querent is also in a particular balance at this time, and the way the interpretation is spoken and received is bound up with this relationship. In other words, a Tarot reading will never be exactly the same twice.