24-Three of Wands Reversed Rider Waite Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Wands specifically try The Three of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

Card Meanings: Holding On To The Past, Lack Of Progress/ Adventure/Growth, Arrogance, Moving Home, Failure, Self-Doubt, Carelessness, Restriction, Mistakes, Returning Travels, Lack Of Confidence, Pride, Disappointed With Choices/Outcome, Haunted By The Past, Frustration, Clipped Wings, Lack Of Foresight/ Planning, Failed Long Distance Relationship

It’s quite easy to mistake the meaning of a card named the Lord of Virtue. We can easily be misled into thinking that this means being dutiful and ‘doing the right thing’. However there is a much deeper level to this card than is immediately apparent. Virtue is about excellence – ethically and personally. It is about developing and maintaining high standards of behaviour, and then learning to have the confidence, self belief and strength of character to live out those standards through our every act. When we fall short of our expectations of ourselves, we retreat, disappointed and ashamed of ourselves. We can then take a long time to climb back up to the higher ground from which we can regard our own acts as part of the grand pattern of life. And, in the meantime, we continue to disappoint ourselves.

This is obviously not good for us, and neither is it good for life. So we need strategies to reduce the number of times we feel we let ourselves down, methods of forgiving ourselves when we do, and ways of recovering lost virtue as quickly as we can. This is where the 3 of Wands comes in. So, on a day ruled by him, make yourself a promise…..you will spend a little time moving back into the centre of yourself – do this by sitting quietly and gently drawing in breath, directing it to your heart centre and allowing it to fill you up with energy. When you have done that, spend a few more minutes thinking about your ethical standpoint. Ask yourself if you are out of alignment with yourself about anything. (Please avoid the trap of going “Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!!” This won’t help! Much better to work on one issue at a time, rather than allowing yourself to be overwhelmed.) If you find something you are unhappy about in your own behaviour, think the act, thought or feeling through without judging it. Work out why you have done/said/thought this thing. Go to the core of the problem, and do not blame anybody else. When you find the core reason, write it down on a piece of paper, tear the paper into several different pieces and throw them in the rubbish bin.

Since you have now rid yourself of the core problem, you now have no further need to act out that problem. So forgive yourself and do it differently.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Three of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Development for Beginners
Book Details
Development for Beginners: The goal of the PAIC, which was created in response to the growing interest in intuition among both the general public and professionals alike, is to work towards ‘creating, stimulating, and maintaining high professional standards and ethical behavior in the practice of intuition.’

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Elements of the Psychic World: The earliest surviving tarot cards were individually painted on thin sheets of ivory, parchment, silver and gold. A set of tarot cards were painted exclusively for France’s Charles VI in 1392 and 17 of these cards survive today in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. With the invention of block printing in Nuremberg in the early part of the fifteenth century tarot cards became more available and more popular. In mid-fifteenth-century England King Edward IV forbade the importation of tarot cards but they were smuggled in by soldiers fighting in France and found

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Three of Wands Rider Waite Work Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Durham.

Elements of the Psychic World: Once you have made your cards, find a quiet place, get comfortable and relax. Choose a symbol and gaze intently at it for a minute, then turn it over and gaze at the blank side. As you do an optical reflex will cause the symbol to appear on the back of the card. Now close your eyes and visualize what you have seen, mentally enlarging the image until it is big enough for you to pass through. Imagine yourself steeping through this mass of colour as if it were an actual door to the astral plane.