This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Swords specifically try The Three of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
The news about your health may not be as good as you had hoped, and/or emotions/depression/anxiety may be taking a toll on your physical being. Keeping a positive attitude is of the utmost importance now, no matter what your situation or prognosis might be. Remember that doctors are not gods. Treat yourself with loving kindness. Read about miraculous healings. If you need help to stay positive – ask for it. Surround yourself with healthy, positive influences to the best of your ability.
Card Meanings: Sorrow, Upheaval, Serious Misunderstandings, Disorder, Sadness, Alienation, Absence, Division, Loss, Depression, Loneliness, Unhappiness, Disillusion, Conflict, Confusion, Removal, Distraction, Trauma, Civil War, Upset, Grief, Heartache, Betrayal, Heartbreak, Separation, Broken Relationship, Ill-Health
Regardless of the way that the Three of Swords card is depicted, know that it is not all bad. Although there is an element of sorrow that is undeniable when this card appears, what lies on the other side of this sorrow can be enhanced understanding and joy. Allow yourself to fully experience any sorrow or pain that comes up now, so that you can move beyond it.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Three of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Have you ever had one of those days when you wish you just never turned on the TV, never opened the newspaper, or just stayed away from social media? The outside world seems to always have something awful to throw in our face, and our once-good moods go down in flames the moment we turn on any of our electronic devices. The Three of Swords in the mirror aspect lets you know that how you currently feel and think is more than likely a direct result of what you are allowing into your current experience. What we see and hear has a huge impact on our thoughts and our inner dialogue, so make it good.
Portable Magic: It is an old and general rule of thumb in astrology that trine and sextile are good or beneficial aspects, square and opposition are evil or malefic aspects, and conjunction is sometimes good or sometimes evil depending on its contributing factors. Like all old rules of thumb, it should not be accepted without understanding. The square aspect acquired a reputation as evil merely because it is disruptive, yet it is an aspect of great assertion and energy, and this can be successfully applied to useful purposes in Tarot magic, when employed with discretion. The trine aspect, although regarded as good, is so harmonious that it lacks initiating force and may sometimes result in stalemate or inertia unless appropriately used. The semi sextile is regarded as a weak aspect of little consequence one way or the other. It will do no harm, but where possible, a more energetic aspect should be employed when placing the modifiers on the zodiacal circle.
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Portable Magic: Lay the Ten of Swords just to the east of the Emperor so that the head of the card points eastward, and its base touches the head of the Emperor. Lay the Ten of Wands in the south so that its head points southward and its base touches the top of the Chariot. Lay the Ten of Cups in the west so that its head points westward and its base touches the head of Justice. Lay the Ten of Pentacles in the