This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Swords specifically try The Three of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
The Three of Swords reversed can show that your anxiety about money is causing you more problems than is necessary. Take a deep breath, and keep telling yourself that your needs will be met – which they will, provided you do the work necessary to ‘do your part.’ Fear is not helpful, in any way. This is not a good time for risky investments, as your fear about them would overshadow any slight gains possible. Just keep your money safe for now.
Card Meanings: Overcoming Grief/ Sorrow/ Sadness, Repressing Emotions, Getting Over The Worst, Confusion, Reconciliation, Compromise, Suppressing Memories, Sorrow, Sharing Problems, Releasing Pain, Optimism, Overcoming Depression, Loss, Recovering From Heartbreak, Forgiveness, Inability To Let Go Of Pain
The Lord of Sorrow sometimes bring sadness in with him when he appears – and he also highlights areas of life where decisions are needed, and where we feel unable to make important choices. This indecision leads to sadness and frustration. So on a day when he rules, we need to be exploring our unhappy feelings, wondering if there are issues that we feel unable to deal with, which are causing us pain or confusion. However, it’s important not to expect ourselves to deal with conflicts or problems until we feel stronger. So, having identified our difficulties, we need to file them in the ‘to do….’ box & treat ourselves very gently for the rest of the day. In regaining our strength we’ll be much better equipped to deal with things (notice the connection here with the Aeon – all decisions have their moment) If today you have no particular difficulties that need dealing with, you might like to spend a little time considering the whole concept of sorrow. We have become very afraid of experiencing pain & often go to great lengths not to enter into our own pain with a generous, gentle heart.
Yet having the ability to face your own pain makes it into a more tolerable event when, sadly, it happens in your life. Look at the ways in which you have dealt with past pain. Try to decide if you feel you have done the best you could for yourself – and if not, work out why not. When we get hurt, we often make our suffering much worse by barbing the pain with guilt, self-accusation and bitterness directed to both ourselves and others. Often we do this as a way of trying to avoid feeling our pain – we distract ourselves with things that are basically irrelevant, but which eventually end up fouling the pure experience of hurting. Each one of us has a right to experience our sadness without judgement, nor recriminations, nor guilt. If, rather than avoiding hurt, we engage it, sometimes it can provide a clear energy for transformation, creativity and development. I don’t advocate suffering as an efficient spiritual tool, but there are times when, since you hurt anyhow, you can direct the deep emotional experience into new insight. And in so doing, you might well find your way through your pain with fewer after-effects and dark memories.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Three of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights : Not exactly,’ Hank said. ‘She could take the day off without pay, but since she is a single mom she really could not afford to lose the money. I tried to give her one of my vacation days but the company said I couldnt. So I just went to her house and gave her $300.’
Try our Love Horoscopes: Animal Spirit Gallery
Tarot Card Meanings: Three of Swords; loss and absence, sorrow, mourning, separation and departure or removal. This card generally represents an ending in some form or another but is often seen as creating a blank canvas for renewal. Much change is indicated by the card but it is not always interpreted as a negative one. Traditional sources ascribe the card with the meaning of the beginning of a new journey, which may be relevant to the more modern interpretation, in many senses. Reversed; generally seen to indicate confusion and disorder, often mental illness or anxiety.
Reversed Cards: For many tarot readers, the court cards are the most challenging cards to work with. But once you become familiar with how these enigmatic cards work, you can turn them into friends and allies that provide powerful insights and advice. Featuring stories, explanations, and simple exercises, this book explores the many facets of pages, knights, kings, and queens to enhance your journey through the tarot.
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Reversed Cards: The Magician has all that he or she requires. The skills, the tools, the know-how. Yet even though the Magician has all of this at his or her disposal, it can be easy to feel out of power and disconnected from it. The mirror aspect reminds you of what you have right at your fingertips even though you have forgotten or refused to recognize it. Far too often we sell ourselves short, not allowing ourselves to truly step into our power or our gifts. But here in the mirror aspect, the Magician is showing you all that you have. All your gifts, talents, and skills are on display and reflected right back at you. You can try to look away, but I suggest you dont. Because if this card has shown up in the reading, your gifts really want to catch your eye. They want to help you find an answer or solution to a current question or an issue. You see, you dont have to look any further than yourself to find what you need. You have been staring yourself in the face.