52-Three of Swords Reversed Golden Finance Tarot Reading

This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Swords specifically try The Three of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:

The Three of Swords reversed can show that your anxiety about money is causing you more problems than is necessary. Take a deep breath, and keep telling yourself that your needs will be met – which they will, provided you do the work necessary to ‘do your part.’ Fear is not helpful, in any way. This is not a good time for risky investments, as your fear about them would overshadow any slight gains possible. Just keep your money safe for now.

Card Meanings: Overcoming Grief/ Sorrow/ Sadness, Repressing Emotions, Getting Over The Worst, Confusion, Reconciliation, Compromise, Suppressing Memories, Sorrow, Sharing Problems, Releasing Pain, Optimism, Overcoming Depression, Loss, Recovering From Heartbreak, Forgiveness, Inability To Let Go Of Pain

Regardless of the way that the Three of Swords card is depicted, know that it is not all bad. Although there is an element of sorrow that is undeniable when this card appears, what lies on the other side of this sorrow can be enhanced understanding and joy. Allow yourself to fully experience any sorrow or pain that comes up now, so that you can move beyond it.

This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Three of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Reversed Cards
Book Details
Reversed Cards: Have you ever made a nice chunk of money only to see it all flow straight back out the door to pay bills? It slipped through your fingers before you even got to enjoy it. This is the Page of Pentacles in retrograde. You never quite get to enjoy what you have created through hard work, be it a drop in weight by sticking to your diet or maybe just seeing your bank account with actual money in it. The good news is that, like all retrograde cycles, this won’t last. Just hang in there, because eventually you and the page will get a handle on this new gift you have been given.

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Creative Tarot: It takes an intense understanding of human nature and psychology to convey a coherent sense of a person’s motivations. And what better way to reach that understanding than to examine your own cause and effect, and those of the people you love? It takes love and patience to deal properly with the Three of Swords. And yet work that is based on this particular foundation and all of the intricate ways it drives our impulses—work based on deep, old hurts—resonates deeply with audiences.

Tarot Triumphs: On the diagram of the Tarot layout, the numbers represent the order in which the cards are laid out, and these numbers will be used in the text that follows to identify the different areas of the reading.

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Reversed Cards: It would not be unreasonable to question how the sun is playing its part in this particular card. Normally, when the sun shows up, it does so to brighten things up. Nothing about this card looks illuminating, yet looks can be deceiving. In the stillness of this card, we get the feeling that the sun is doing its thing on the inside. You may be down, but you are not out. As the saying goes, the path to success means failing fast and failing often. This one didn’t work. Fabulous, brush yourself off and move on to the next.