This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Pattern specifically try The Three of Pattern Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
Work is very much a focus when the Three of Pattern reversed is in the picture. It’s an important time to give your best, not settle for the simplest solution. If you do, you are likely to find yourself with much success.
Card Meanings: Poor Work Ethic, Lack Of Effort, Lack Of Growth, Unwillingness To Learn, Apathy, No Goals, Not Learning From Mistakes, No Dedication, No Determination, Lack Of Teamwork, No Motivation, Ambitions, Lack Of Commitment, Mistakes, Preoccupation
The Three of Pattern is a very positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it’s a good overall omen that you are in general, doing well.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Three of Pattern using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Putting on a show’ is a traditional interpretation of this card, and I am guessing that if you have this card in the shadow aspect, you, my friend, love to be the center of attention, just like our juggler. You know who you are. Youre the one who is always busy, even though you really are not. You look busy. You always have plans. Your workload is always something to groan about, and you cant possibly help Cathy move this weekend. Yep, I have your number, baby, and so too does the Two of Pentacles in the shadow aspect. Now, lets get something straight. I am not judging you. If anything, I am actually a little jealous of how you pull it all off. But lets face ityou love to put on a show, and the more people who see the show the happier and more elaborate you become with your act.
Tarot Triumphs: These Triumphs on parade showed worldly, moral, and religious emblems, which drew on allegory, history, and Christian teachings for their values. A Triumph procession is described in Petrarch’s work I Trionfi, dating from the late fourteenth century, which alludes to vices and virtues and draws from popular symbolism in representing the characters taking part in the procession.11 As we saw in chapter one, the idea of the Tarot Trumps emerging one by one along the city street as a spectacle is a colorful and powerful one, and it does resonate with the kind of images that Tarot embodies. But which came first, and whether the Tarot corresponds exactly to a painted form of the spectacle, is a moot point. We should certainly consider the influence of this kind of pageant, and the motifs it included, but in my view this is likely to have been just one strand of Tarot history.
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Creative Tarot: The history of the deck we recognize as the tarotthe deck that includes both the Minor Arcana and the twenty-two characters and archetypes of the Major Arcanabegins in fifteenth-century Italy. But the tarot came in many different varieties, even from the very beginning. There was a Florentine deck called the Minchiate, with its forty-card Major Arcana set; and a deck from Milan called the Trionfi that used four types of birds rather than the four elements of the standard deck.