This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Disks specifically try The Three of Disks Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
Work is very much a focus when the Three of Disks reversed is in the picture. It’s an important time to give your best, not settle for the simplest solution. If you do, you are likely to find yourself with much success.
Card Meanings: Poor Work Ethic, Lack Of Effort, Lack Of Growth, Unwillingness To Learn, Apathy, No Goals, Not Learning From Mistakes, No Dedication, No Determination, Lack Of Teamwork, No Motivation, Ambitions, Lack Of Commitment, Mistakes, Preoccupation
The Three of Disks is a very positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it’s a good overall omen that you are in general, doing well.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Three of Disks using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Angel Insights : The angel realm is telling me that one of the chief tasks of these angels is to keep the energy of the home or space positive and lovingto increase the vibrational energy of the space, bringing it closer to the vibration of Spirit. In a practical sense this could mean family members getting along peacefully or if it is an office space that the work done there is ethical and of exceptional quality (these are outcomes the angels cannot control, only encourage.) The angels have also told me that these helper angels can clean an area. The angels show me an image of angels sweeping out a home with brooms, but what they are sweeping away is not dirt! It is old energy that can accumulate over time: arguments, illnesses, even intense joy and celebration can clutter the energy of a home over time. Your home should feel peaceful, like a safe womb to retreat to. The angels are also telling me that sometimes, probably without the knowledge of the people inhabiting a house, spirits might be hanging out. The angels are showing me an image of a homeless person living on the street in a makeshift cardboard box. Thats what these spirits are likewanderers, sometimes old ‘ancestors,’ the angels tell me, of people living in the house. The angels also tell me they may just be spirits who are ‘lost.’ Often we will get a sign from a loved one on the other side. These loved ones, as most spirits do, have passed over to heaven and just come to visit us now and again. Popping in to say hi by letting you feel their presence, playing their favorite song on your radio, etc. But these homeless spirits are scared to, or dont know how to, cross over. Usually you never even know these spirits are around, although the angels tell me you might sense that something is ‘off’ about the vibe of the home (this happened to me, and I did, which is rare for me, actually see a ghost in that home later on). But an angel who guards and cleans houses can help these spirits travel to their true home, to heaven.
Angel Encyclopedia: Another important orisha is Eleggua, the god of entryways, doors, and roads, who permits the other orishas to come to earth. All homes keep an image of Eleggua behind the door to serve as gatekeeper. In Candomblé, worshipers pray to the Exus, similar in function to Eleggua but more like primal forces of nature who act as divine tricksters and messengers to the gods, a function of traditional angels. Eleggua has many manifestations, and some of them are called Eshus as well. The Eshus or Exus can be benign or malignant. King Exu often is identified with Lucifer, and works with Beelzebub and Astaroth to become Exu Mor (death) and Exu of the Crossroads. At his worst he is Exu of the Closed Paths, a wicked DEMON who closes off all paths to prosperity, love, success, and health.
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Tarot Triumphs: 3 Burger and Fiebig, Complete Book of Tarot Spreads; email correspondence with Byron Zeliotis.