This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Salem Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Outcast specifically try The Outcast Salem Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When the Outcast appears in reverse, its a particularly good time to seek good advice and good analysis on your financial endeavors. This is not a safe time to fly blind and just assume that everything will work out in the end. If you do not understand where your money comes from and where it is going (or how to invest, and so on) this is an excellent and important time to educate yourself.
Card Meanings: Hastiness, Withdrawal, Rashness, Paranoia, Isolation, Foolishness, Immaturity, Loneliness, Imprudence, being reclusive, Restrictive, Anti-Social
The Outcast is an extremely spiritual card, and often has to do with institutions and large organizations – everything from a bank to the entire Christian Church. This card indicates spirituality even if you are an atheist. It’s in whatever sense the word ‘spirit’ makes sense to you, even if for you ‘spirit’ equates to ’emotion.’ You may be trying hard to figure out what the ‘truth’ is about someone (or some matter), don’t feel that you have to do it all on your own, ask for help if you need it to gain different perspectives, more information, etc.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Outcast using cards from the with the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Tarot Triumphs: It’s possible to do a three-card reading for yourself, if you wish, keeping in mind the cautionary recommendations I’ve made earlier. Do it for something self-contained and not too important. For example, today my husband and I have decided to walk in a nature reserve on Dartmoor. We haven’t yet visited it, but we know that the path runs by a river and that there should be plenty of spring daffodils out. I am curious to know what to expect, and even how I should dress for it. So I ask the question ‘How will our walk turn out today?’ Then I pick out three cards: Temperance, the Tower, and the Star. Rightthere are two cards with an abundance of water! I’m guessing that the river will be high and that we’ll probably have to splash through some flooded parts too. The Tower bothers me a little, and I’ll take it as a warning that we should take care not to trip and fall over any unstable boulders. Rocks falling on our heads, such as those that come cascading down from the Tower, are unlikely in this context, but loose stones causing a hazard are a distinct possibility.
Try our Love Horoscopes: Spiritscopes
Elements of the Psychic World: A moment of intense and ecstatic feeling when body and mind are lost in bliss. Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) coined the phrase to describe getting so totally absorbed in an experience or moment that an individual is lost in the present’, and experiences detachment from time and space’. It often occurs in response to intense emotions such as love, or intense life experiences such as childbirth, and also occurs when communing with nature, listening to music or viewing great art or theatre. Physical exercise, meditation, religious experiences, mediumship or magical rituals and selfless behaviour can also trigger peak experiences. Maslow believed that peak experiences were within the reach of everyone and people who experienced them felt an increased sense of connection, confidence and happiness with the universe.
The Truth of All That Is : The corruption and alienation of the now third dimension, shifts and expands into purity. Old patterns are replaced by new. Money is a form of that pattern that undergoes a crisis and will eventually shift, and transform into a new pattern that takes its place. You are not to fear, this is a blessed change that is needed to release humanity from financial slavery. You have altered the meaning of money, and many are born hostage of its ways. You put it first in many areas of your lives, and it controls all the rest. Think of the children, and how happy they are not to bother with money, bills and debt. You are to meet them, living free and happy as money will control your life no more. The notion of money, and the exchange of labor to profit will change. A new way is in the means that brings financial freedom and establishes new patterns of giving and receiving. Finance will no longer be a problematic area as it will be resolved in peace. That entails the end of cheating, theft, and injustice with money. A better share will be established for all.
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