This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Magus specifically try The Magus Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
Money should be on the upswing when this card appears even if no feasible way for this to happen is apparent at the time you do your reading. Someone or something will appear that will allow you to make more money, whether this is an idea, a chance to do some work on the side or even a new position. Have faith in yourself and your ability to succeed. That doesn’t mean you should jump at every opportunity that comes your way. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is, but not automatically so. This card can sometimes manifest opportunities that that appear that way but are the real deal. Always do your homework.
Card Meanings: Willpower, Creativity, Intellect, Self-Confidence, Influence, Sleight Of Hand, Power, Logic, Resourcefulness, Ability, Skill, Will-Power, Dexterity
The Magus is about making higher and better use of all of one’s power. Spiritual, emotional, and otherwise. This is another card that often signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try. You should note that this is not magic in the sense that you need to do spell-work or anything of that nature. It’s also not ‘magic’ like a stage illusionist performs, which is the somewhat superficial appearance of wondrous feats. This is actual transformation of the literal and figurative world in normal ways. You are not going to have it all handed to you on a plate, but you have the potential to have that plate and a lot of what’s on it if you do the magic yourself. The Magus is all about action. If you do nothing you’ll get nothing. If you don’t know what to do then just do something because anything is better than nothing. In other words if you don’t try you won’t get.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Magus using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: Below are the correspondences of the Golden Dawn between the trumps and the elements, planets, and signs. Some of the names of the trumps are shortened forms of those commonly used in modern Tarot decks. There are sometimes variant titles for the trumps, but these should not create confusion. For example, the Magician is also called the Magus or Juggler in some decks. The World is sometimes known as the Universe. The Hierophant is called the Pope in older decks, and the High Priestess is known as the Female Pope or Papess. For the purpose of Tarot magic, it is immaterial what titles the trumps bear.
Angel Encyclopedia: English magician and occultist. Little is known about Francis Barrett beyond his authorship of The Magus, a compendium of occult information, including the lore of angels and DEMONS and how to work in MAGIC with them, published in London in 1801.
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Angel Encyclopedia: English magician and occultist. Little is known about Francis Barrett beyond his authorship of The Magus, a compendium of occult information, including the lore of angels and DEMONS and how to work in MAGIC with them, published in London in 1801.