This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Magician specifically try The Magician Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
Card Meanings: Insecurity, Delay, Cunning, Unused Ability, Greed, Lack Of Self-Confidence, Unimaginative, Manipulation, Untrustworthiness, Conniving, Trickery
The Mage, at his highest level of interpretation, indicates the intricate and complex web of influences that binds the Universe to itself, and to all else. This is essentially a card about communication, but on the subtle levels beyond the material world. If you want to manifest your heart’s desire into the mundane world, you will have to come to terms with the actuality, the workings and the efficient manipulation of this web, understanding its laws and vagaries. This web is what causes so-called ‘coincidences’, or those freak connections that we make right when we most need them. It is this system that brings the teacher to the student at exactly the right time, puts the very book we need on the bookshelf just when we needed it, draws the right person into our lives at the opportune moment.
You can see, therefore, how essential it is if you want to achieve your highest possible destiny, that you develop your understanding of the web of life. And in so doing, become a magus of sorts yourself. So on a day ruled by the Magus, we need to be experimenting with the way this web works. We need to look at the thoughts we are transmitting ourselves – because what goes around comes around, remember? What we put out eventually finds its way back to us – coloured by everything it has touched along the way. This is the single most practical reason for positive thinking!! We need to consider our overall direction and the things we are doing to fulfil our aspirations. We need to look at how every single action we take can be made into an act of magick. People miss this concept all the time yet it changes the way that you approach your daily activities. So acting with intent is another thing we can practise on the day of the Magus. For instance, if you cook a meal, cook it with the intention that it will sustain the very spirit of those who eat it. If you do the washing up, do it remembering that you are washing away the stains of the world. If you are driving to see a friend, regard the journey as another step in your growth and development.
Get the idea? Practise everything with intent. From personal experience, let me tell you it really gets the mundane stuff done quickly, efficiently and with a full heart.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Magician using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Try our Love Horoscopes: Pisces and Libra
Portable Magic: Altar: In Tarot magic, the altar is composed of the four Aces and resides at the centre of the magic circle. It supports the significator of the magician, and provides the central viewpoint for the consciousness of the magician during rituals.
Tarot for Beginners: Of course, familiarity with the esoteric meanings of the numbers themselves is necessary to make the most out of this angle of card reading, which is rather a lot to take on when youre just starting out with Tarot. Nonetheless, if you find that a certain number or pair of numbers keeps showing up in your readings, its probably worth looking up the mystical associations in a numerology source, as numbers are a popular way for the Universe to communicate with us!
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Portable Magic: Mary sits quietly and stills her thoughts, making her mind alert and receptive. She takes several slow, deep breaths to cleanse her body and to help relax her muscles. She does not think directly about the stages of the ritual. These have more power if the mind of the magician does not dwell on them before they are carried out. She has seated herself in the west, facing east, to make visualizing herself on the astral level a bit easier, as the sideways orientation of her significator on the altar in the diagram indicates. The significator is always upright from the magician’s position.