This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Lovers specifically try The Lovers Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
The appearance of the Lovers card in reversal when related to questions of spirituality can indicate that if you are not careful, you may find yourself falling in love with someone who is meant to be a teacher, pastor, or instructor. Try to be circumspect about such feelings if they should arise. Sometimes love in such contexts can actually interfere with and prevent learning from your teacher all that they have to offer. If a teacher or mentor is claiming to be in love with you, think long and carefully before embarking on a relationship with such a person. They could be abusing a position of trust. Caution is needed here.
Card Meanings: Imbalance, Conflict, Disconnection, Disunion, Trust Issues, Fickleness, Disharmony, Separation, Lack Of Accountability, Untrustworthy, Unreliability, Frustration
The Lovers is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini, ‘The Twins.’ It almost always points to partnerships with just one other person; generally, and not surprisingly, this indicates a romantic partnership, but of course this is not always the case. Less frequently, it points to the duality that all of us have inwardly – between male/female, yin/yang, approach/avoidance, and the like.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Lovers using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Angel Encyclopedia: The love between the angelic intelligence and the soul is compared not only to the affection between parent and child, between master and disciple, but also to the reciprocal love of lovers. The celestial souls offer themselves as models to be imitated; the human soul is to hear and obey. These two complementary aspects define the journey into the Orient, in the terms of the Recital of Hayy ibn Yaqzan, as ‘traveling in company with the Angel.’
Tarot Triumphs: The moon is personified as a god or goddess in just about every culture, but it is difficult to pin down this particular form of the image to exact sources. In the Marseilles Tarot, the Moon always has a face, but one which may be shown either straight on or in profile, so this gives no clues.55 The dogs could be the hunting dogs of the classical moon goddess Diana, but they are also reminiscent of the dog and scorpion (similar to the crayfish) that are portrayed in the initiatory symbols of Mithraism, the Roman mystery religion, where they are depicted alongside images of the heavenly bodies. They might also, more simply, represent dogs baying at the moon, although even further back, certain Babylonian boundary stones show a crescent moon associated with towers, doglike animals, and a crayfish or scorpion.56 This may not connect directly to the Tarot, but it does underpin the importance of a moon motif associated with symbols of a threshold and creatures of the deep.57 Finally, the drops that fall from the sky could be the sacred dew that is important in both alchemy and mystical Kabbalah.58 Dew also falls from the Great Head of Macroprosopus in the mystical traditions of Kabbalah. I think we have to go with the appropriately watery ‘swim’ of correspondences here, allowing them to influence our interpretation of the Moon without being too concerned about the exact sources. Wherever it originates, the Moon continues to fascinate generations of Tarot users.
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Reversed Cards: I know you have heard the term self-sabotage. Here in the shadow aspect of the Eight of Cups we can see another example of your inability to follow through on yet another goal, dream, or even relationship. This card is also called the Lord of Abandoned Success, not so much because the venture could not be made successful, but because it was given up on before it could bear results. If this card has come up in your reading or daily draw, stop and see if you are repeating a pattern of self-sabotaging behavior, one that tends to constantly leave you feeling unfulfilled, bored, and dissatisfied.