This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The High Priestess specifically try The High Priestess Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
A group of people or a particular person may not be being completely honest with you in regard to finances. Be very careful what you sign when this card appears in reverse. Do not hesitate to get more information and advice when it comes to large transactions that you may be considering. When The High Priestess appears in reverse, you can be sure that all is not as it appears on the surface.
Card Meanings: Repression Of Intuition, Lack Of Self-Belief, Selfishness, Ignorance, Misunderstanding, Unwanted Attention, Shallowness, Uncontrolled Outbursts And Sexual Tension, Blocked Psychic Powers
The High High Priestess rules our intuitive faculties. She helps us to see what is really in front of us, rather than seeing what appears to be there. She’s a gentle and tranquil influence who can help us develop our inner psychic abilities. So on her day, the best thing that we can do is practise entering into the silence in order that we can ‘hear’ our intuition. Spend a little time in quiet contemplation, still the incessant chatter that is part of everyday life, and just let your mind release the things it knows about that you haven’t had the opportunity to catch up with recently. This is something that so many of us don’t make time to do often enough. As a result, we miss an enormous amount of information that we pick up through every waking hour, and store automatically. Our ancient ability to read the signs of life still remains, whether we use it or not. But often we can be taken unawares by material that has slipped directly from our intuition directly into the subconscious because we don’t spend long enough relating to subliminal messaging.
So, on the High Priestess’s day, try to remember to be open to the hidden type of message that she is so adept at assessing. Give yourself time to meditate and to listen to yourself. You’ll be surprised at what you learn! In readings, the High High Priestess poses a challenge to you to go deeper – to look beyond the obvious, surface situation to what is hidden and obscure. She also asks you to recall the vastness of your potential and to remember the unlimited possibilities you hold within yourself. The High High Priestess can represent a time of waiting and allowing. It is not always necessary to act to achieve your goals. Sometimes they can be realized through a stillness that gives desire a chance to flower within the fullness of time.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The High Priestess using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: order on the seven Double letters of the Hebrew alphabet, it remains to correctly assign the trumps that are linked to the Double letters by trading their locations in the sequence of trumps. It is at once obvious that the trump the Magician belongs with Mercury and the trump the High Priestess belongs with the Moon. Consequently, the Magician must be made the second of the planetary trumps and numbered 11, and the High Priestess shifted into first place and numbered I. As I mentioned earlier, the trumps have no intrinsic numbers of their own, merely numbers that indicate their locations in the series of the Greater Arcana.
Tarot for Beginners: However, if this isnt possible, dont let it stop youits not an absolute requirement. Plenty of Tarot readers have only ever read their own cards, and find it very rewarding.
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Tarot Triumphs: In the early Renaissance, for practitioners of philosophical or Hermetic traditions, such a figure of female wisdom was not only acceptable but also essential to their cosmology. The headdress and book of the High Priestess were associated with the spirit of ancient teaching, and from that standpoint she could quite readily have been equated by different interpreters with Mary, Sophia, Isis, or the kabbalistic Shekinah,9 each a feminine representation of wisdom, and each current in different strands of teaching and thinking at the time.10 It is very unlikely, however, that the High Priestess would represent Pope Joan, an object of mockery, or Manfreda, a condemned heretic.11 She is not a historical counterpart of the Pope, either, or a renegade version of the Pope in female form. There is a case for associating her with Prudence, a later personification of Sophia, the spirit of Wisdom; some of her attributesbook and triple crown, for instancecan be found in imagery related to Prudence.12, 13