This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Salem Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Demon specifically try The Demon Salem Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
As with an upright meaning, The Demon reversed indicates that things may be or get very tight financially in the near future. It will be important to try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it. Take things one step at a time. Whatever your situation, it is a safe bet that it will not be permanent. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for it. Help is always available. When you draw this card and money seems to be flowing well right now, this is still a time that calls for financial caution. Save for a rainy day!
Card Meanings: Revelation, Enlightenment, Detachment, Recovery, Overcoming Addiction, Reclaiming Power, Freedom, Release, Divorce, Independence
The Demon is not as frightening a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards indicates. It is a card about bondage but often this bondage is metaphoric and internal. With this card ; you are called to look beyond superficial appearances and to go deeper into the truth and meaning of a situation. You also are asked to remember that ; when you’re feeling restrained you nearly always hold the keys to your own freedom. Don’t give up hope!
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Demon using cards from the with the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Tarot Triumphs: Later, we are home from our walk and I consider the reading. There was plenty of flowing water, and it was wet underfoot in places too. The meadows by the river were carpeted with wild daffodils, and I realize that they are the stars in the card, though I need to stretch a point slightly, as the flowers are six-petaled and the stars are eight-pointed. However, the image, with its golden beauty, really does correspond to my experience seeing thousands of daffodils today. As for the Tower, I didn’t experience any kind of fall, but nevertheless I am very glad that I saw it as a warning and took a walking pole, since the path was slippery and stony in places.
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Elements of the Psychic World: A symbol of oneness, completion and protection, the circle is believed to represent a sphere of personal power or psychic energy. It is often used for séances, where participants hold hands around a circular table. Ceremonial magic rites are also often performed within the sphere of a magic circle, which functions to concentrate the user’s power and protect against psychic entities. In ritual, a circle represents a holy space that protects from negative forces on the outside and facilitates communication with spirits and deities on the inside.
Tarot for Beginners: Serious money problems jeopardize your home and/or security. Arguments about finances are straining relationships. One person may be overly dependent on another for material needs. You need to try to find perspective and start putting out the fire before it spreads.
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