This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Chariot specifically try The Chariot Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
When you receive the Chariot in reverse in the context of spirituality, you may have the feeling that you have finally found some spiritual answers that you have long been searching for. There is doubtless some truth to this; however when the card is in reverse, there is a slight warning implied here; by all means explore the new-found spiritual understanding, however, think ten or twelve times before entrusting your entire spiritual being to someone else or to an organization. Trust yourself, first.
Card Meanings: Lack Of Direction, Unsuccessful, Lack Of Self-Control, Coercion, Aggression, Vanquishment, Failure, Forcefulness, Defeat, Powerlessness
The Chariot indicates a lot of energy but not free-for-all energy. It’s directed, controlled, and has a goal in mind. When this card appears you are likely to be fairly clear on what your hopes and dreams involve and what you are willing to do to make them come true.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Chariot using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Angel Encyclopedia: After the birth of Seth, Adam tells Seth about a vision he had. He says that after he and Eve were driven out of Paradise, they prayed and Michael came to them. Adam saw a chariot like the wind with wheels of fire. It carried him into the Paradise of righteousness, where he saw the Lord in the appearance of unbearable flaming fire. Thousands of angels were to the left and right of the chariot.
Creative Tarot: Many tarot card readers find it much easier to read for someone else than to read their own cards. Unless we are trying to read for our romantic partnersnot really a good idea, by the waywe can remain more detached and less invested in a good result. If youve been struggling to read for yourself, you might be surprised how satisfying it can be to read for another person. Its a productive way to learn.
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Angel Encyclopedia: According to the Hagiga, Sehaqim, the third heaven, holds a pair of millstones that grind manna for the righteous. Zebul, the fourth heaven, is home to the heavenly Jerusalem, the temple and altar, and the angels Sandalphon, Michael, Zazagel, Shamsiel, and Sapiel. In Maon, the fifth heaven, hosts of ministering angels sing hymns to Gods mercy all night long, but fall silent at dawn, thus allowing him to hear his praises sung by Israel below. Makhon, the sixth heaven, contains storehouses of snow and hailstones, lofts of dews and rains, chambers of storms, and caves of fog. In the seventh heaven, Arabot, abide Justice, Law, and Charity, the treasures of Life, Peace and Blessing, the souls of the righteous, the souls of the yet unborn, the dew with which God will revive the dead, the chariot seen by EZEKIEL in a vision, the ministering angels, and the Divine Throne.