This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Swords specifically try The Ten of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
Card Meanings: Surviving Disaster, Being Saved, Courage, Positive Energy, Worst Is Yet To Come, Good Health, Relapse, Things Getting Better, Being Beyond Help, Total Ruin, Pulling Yourself Together, Learning From Past Hardships, Fears Coming True, Over The Worst, Escaping Ruin, Despair, Rising Above Problems/Haters/Bitchiness
As I said in my first examination of this card, the Lord of Ruin is much more about what we invite into our lives with negative and unhelpful thought patterns, than it is about outside events. When we pay close attention to the things we wish ourselves, ensuring that our thoughts are as bright as possible, we attract goodness and positive energy into life. If, on the other hand, we are careless in examining what we think, feel, desire and dream of .allowing ourselves to slide into habits that diminish us, living more by fear than by love ..then we draw bad things into life. The trickiest bit about this positive thinking business is that its effects project into the future and we are strongly affected by our experience of the present. If things seem to be going wrong, life is heavy and difficult, we tend to have negative reactions to things. Unfortunately, though, having those negative reactions in the present condemns us to further difficulties in the future.
So you can see it is essential to somehow break out of the downward spiral. Positive thinking is a habit. So is negative thinking. And, as with all habits, it can be very awkward to change the pattern. Constant vigilance is required. We need to monitor our thoughts and feelings VERY carefully. And as soon as we discover that we are starting to think dark thoughts we need to pounce, snatching that thought up and determining where it has come from. This applies as much to our deepest inner responses as it does to our responses to external stimuli. Life is always throwing the curve ball at you, just to see if you can catch it. And harmonising yourself with the rhythm of life is – beside being the greatest reward of all – a very big challenge. It does help, though, to try to interpret events in terms of your own reactions this gives you a good reason to watch yourself carefully in the present. Try this – find something that you currently feel unhappy, frustrated, shocked, hurt about .. Take a good look at the overview of this ..try to separate the differing elements of the problem.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Ten of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: With ten swords, the man is destroyed under their weight. The swords represent thoughts, ideas, fears. They are not useful because there are too many of them. The Ten of Swords is a card of defeat. There is nowhere else for his thoughts to go; they have destroyed him and his potential. The hope of the card is the gaze toward the horizon. His act of surrender can lead to a new beginning, but first the defeat must be felt.
Reversed Cards: In all honesty, the knights of the tarot really could have their own book. They encompass hundreds of years of duty, honor, and integrity. The knights code is complex, and we really could spend hours upon hours debating how each of the tarot knights represents the many different facets of the knightly code. These four cards merge history, myth, and legend. They share a story of what it means to be of service. They teach us about devotion and commitment. The knights know that a long life is not guaranteed and that nothing should be taken for granted. These lessons can be much harder to learn when one is upside down and back to front.
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Reversed Cards: It matters not if you are meticulous or messy with the orientation of your deck. If a reversal presents itself, it is in the right direction and the right position all the time, every time, without fail. It is important to remember that the cards themselves have no hidden agenda or bias. They simply show up in accordance with the vibrational energy of the question and the querent. Of course, that energy can and does shift over time. But in that moment when you draw your cards, this is the answer, guidance, or solution the cards believed was in alignment with the question you asked. Whether or not you are happy about what has showed up is irrelevant, and, to be honest, the only time someone really redraws their cards is because they did not like or did not understand the answer. Neither makes the cards wrongit merely points out your attachment to being right.