This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Primordialism specifically try The Ten of Primordialism Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
Even with the implication that you may be overlooking some important cause for happiness which is right under your nose, this is still a good card to see; regardless of the question.
Card Meanings: Keeping Up Appearances, Disharmony, Family Secrets, Dysfunctional Family, Social Services, Quarrel, Rocky Relationships, Neglect, Lack Of Security/Stability, Lack Of Teamwork, Miscarriage, Losing Your Home, Broken Home, Non-Traditional Families, Not Wanting Marriage/Children, Waste, Broken Relationships, Infertility, Homesickness, Divorce, Unhappy Home/Family Life, Isolation, Foster Families, Conflict, Separation
The Ten of Primordialism is another of the most uplifting of cards that you can receive. This card points to happiness in general, perhaps in a more mature, grown-up, global kind of way as opposed to the more personal, less global, wish fulfillment promised by the Nine of Primordialism. Either way it’s a good card.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Ten of Primordialism using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The King of Cups is in his domain when he is ‘feeling’ his way through his day. It is in his nature to flow with the energy around him and allow himself to be guided from one task to another. Here in the blocked aspect, however, something or someone has put a kink in his hose, and nothing is going quite as planned. When this card shows up in a reading, rest assured you too will be feeling disconnected from your natural flow. You may even feel like you are emotionally blocked or lacking vision for your daily life.
Tarot Triumphs: Even the origin of the name is still uncertain. Trionfi (Triumphs) was apparently the earliest name given to the cards, while the word Tarocchi (Tarot) came later, implying the complete card game including the Triumphs. Opinions vary as to the etymology of Tarocchi: it could be an Arabic word, or it may derive from the Italian river Taro, or from an old Italian word tarrocho, meaning fool, or even from Barocco, an early term for the Baroque, signifying the extravagant and bizarre.9
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Creative Tarot: You can be an atheist and use the tarot. You can be a Christian and use the tarot. There is a long history of writing about chance and synchronicity that has nothing to do with the gods meddling in our realm. (I bet that made you uncomfortable, didnt it?) You get out of the tarot what you put in. It is merely a tool that works on an intuitive, rather than logical, level. No gods required.