This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Cups specifically try The Ten of Cups Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
When you pull The reversed Ten of Cups it’s a reminder that in this day and age we must all guard against holding ourselves up to impossible standards. No one stays young forever, everyone’s physical strength wanes slightly given enough years, and so on. However, this is no excuse to ignore the part that any of us plays in our own health. Are you truly doing all that you can to support your health? Assess.
Card Meanings: Keeping Up Appearances, Disharmony, Family Secrets, Dysfunctional Family, Social Services, Quarrel, Rocky Relationships, Neglect, Lack Of Security/Stability, Lack Of Teamwork, Miscarriage, Losing Your Home, Broken Home, Non-Traditional Families, Not Wanting Marriage/Children, Waste, Broken Relationships, Infertility, Homesickness, Divorce, Unhappy Home/Family Life, Isolation, Foster Families, Conflict, Separation
The Ten of Cups is another of the most uplifting of cards that you can receive. This card points to happiness in general, perhaps in a more mature, grown-up, global kind of way as opposed to the more personal, less global, wish fulfillment promised by the Nine of Cups. Either way it’s a good card.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Ten of Cups using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Angel Insights : For example, when you find yourself confronted by peacocks: on T-shirts, in nature, or on television, or if you are drawn to peacocks and seek them out by purchasing greeting cards or art that depicts their image, your guardian angels might be hinting that you should take more pride in your natural abilities. These abilities were gifts from Spirit specifically designed to enable you to help others and fulfill your lifes purpose. Therefore these abilities were meant to be on display, not hidden away.
Reversed Cards: One could argue that the High Priestess is an actual mirror. She has nothing but objects of reflection around her. The moon, which sits at her feet and dons the top of her head, and her dress, which becomes the water flowing behind her, are depicted clearly in Llewellyns Classic Tarot. Both the moon and the water are mirrors in their own rights. The moon reflects light from the sun, and water reflects whoever is peering into it. All of these reflective surfaces are one and the same when it comes to the High Priestess. It gives one pause when she shows up in her dominion here in the mirrored aspect. For if this is part of who she is and part of her true nature, then being reversed is merely just another form of her wisdom to be expressed. It is almost as if she were presenting you with an answer to a question you never asked. The answer, of course, is upside down to your current line of thinking. What is moving and what direction it is headed will bounce around on the many reflecting surfaces the mirrored priestess has at her disposal. Just keep in mind that from where you sit, left is right and up is down. This is not an easy card, and its difficulty only increases in the mirror aspect. Yet somehow it also leaves more clues than it does when we view it another way.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Ten of Cups Golden Health Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader County Durham.
Tarot Triumphs: SignificatorThe first card drawn, usually representing either the person asking the question or the subject inquired about. Most Tarot layouts use a significator.