This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Coins specifically try The Ten of Coins Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When the Ten of Coins reversed appears, you will need to be especially thoughtful and cautious in your financial dealings. Things that may seem like a good idea on the surface may turn out to be less lucrative than you anticipated. Invest carefully. Watch where you put your trust.
Card Meanings: Misfortune, Unconventional, Instability, Marrying For Money, Fighting Over Money, Financial Disaster, Collapse Of An Empire, Rocky Foundations, Unexpected Changes, Faking Wealth/Affluence, Losing Everything, Domestic Disputes, Disputed Inheritance/ Being Excluded From/Not Leaving A Will, Breaking Traditions, Huge Losses/Debts, Divorce, Dull, New Money, Bankruptcy, Family Feuds/ Burdens/ Neglect, Slothfulness, Money Laundering, Illegal Activity
The Ten of Coins is a very positive omen. It can mean that your material wishes will be met perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible, and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high ebb.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Ten of Coins using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: The final card in this row reveals where the work actually belongs. If youve written a book, is it best served by a small publisher that will lavish more attention on it, or by a large publisher that has more power but less individual support? If youre a visual artist, a Ten of Coins might say that you should look to group shows: maybe set up a thematic show with a group of your peers. Remember that this is what best serves the work and not your ego. Of course, all of us would like our work to be placed where we get the most money, the most fame, the most rave reviews and prizes, but not every work needs (or can stand up to) so much attention. Sometimes a delicate touch is needed. And other times you will need to sacrifice your emotional needs for things such as constant feedback or pats on the head for a team that will actually serve your work best.
Tarot Triumphs: The three cards that are left facedown add a touch of mystery to the reading. They represent the reason why the question was asked, or the elements that are lacking in a particular situation. If nothing were missing, would anything change? If we weren’t driven by what we lack, we might not act. Of course, anyone who is experienced with the Tarot can work out quite quickly which three cards are not present in the open spread of cards. But most querents won’t do that, and I recommend that as reader of the cards you also leave aside any mental calculations of what they might be, at least in the early stages of the reading. Their proper impact should come at the end, when they are turned faceup and interpreted, as will be described in the section about the sequence of the reading. It’s the moment when the diviner can say, ‘This is what’s lacking at presentthis is what you really want’ and see the querent’s face light up in joy. Sometimes I’ve noticed that this is when the tension dissolves on a person’s face, because it’s the point in the reading when he or she feels truly understood.
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Reversed Cards: Venus is the planet of the loving mother, and like all mothers, sometimes she doesnt know when and where to draw a line in the sand and say no. Boundaries start to become blurred, and oftentimes she is left drained and depleted. This spell is to help you in setting or resetting your boundaries during a Venus retrograde cycle. It is to help you restore healthy limits and get you used to saying the dreaded no word. You will need to pull the following cards from your deck and place them on your altar: the Empress in reverse, the Seven of Wands, and the Knight of Pentacles.