This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for Temperance specifically try Temperance Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When Temperance is reversed, there is still most likely to be a good balance between what is going out and what is coming in money-wise. However, you must not simply sit back and expect the world to suddenly pay you what you are worth and what you deserve. Have the courage to ask for what you need and your money flow will increase.
Card Meanings: Discord, Imbalance, Impatience, Clashing, Recklessness, Excess, Lack Of Perspective, Self-Indulgence, Disunion, Conflict, Antagonism, Frustration
At its highest possible level, Temperance is a card which marks spiritual transformation – the moment when all of the pieces of understanding we have gathered in our studies fly up, in chaos, into the air. When they land, we shall discover that they have formed a perfect pattern of life and living. This card can, when really well-dignified, signal a massive breakthrough into a totally fresh consciousness. We shall have struggled, fought, grappled for understanding, and maybe suffered more than a little, but all of that effort will become worthwhile and important. Of course, the number of times that Temperance’s appearance will indicate such a major development are vastly outweighed by the times the card shows more mundane matters arising – but even on the purely material level, this one is the ‘Come together’ card. It shows whole areas of life falling into place, and assuming their rightful pattern. Sometimes, it will indicate that a problem finally yields its own resolution. In any matter where this Major Arcana card rules, there will have been a need for patience and for moderate behaviour.
So, on a day where Temperance rules, we must expect that things will just begin to fall into place. We will probably task better than usual, and therefore make good inroads on our ordinary work. New ways of dealing with things will occur to us. Fresh perspectives will appear. And, as a result, our lives will shift closer to harmony and balance. We can help all of this along by examining the polarities which exist within us – everything in life comes initially as a polarity. Male -female; dark- light; good – bad; kind – cruel; birth – death. Life emerges as we attempt to shade the space between each pair of opposites with the colours of understanding. The more we learn, the more intense our colours become. So to recognise the polarities within ourselves is to know ourselves better – and therefore to add to our personal rainbow. What do you love? What do you hate? And in between what is there – like, dislike, have no reaction to….these nuances of response are your living colours. And the more you get to know them, without standing in judgement, the better you know yourself. On Temperance’s day, expect things to come together. And do a little work on yourself.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the Temperance using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights : So what happens when you dont listen to your angels warnings? Try not to beat yourself up for ignoring a warning. We all sometimes ignore that gut feeling, and then look back later and wish we would have paid attention to it. The important thing is to do a better job of heeding a warning the next time, because the more you pay attention to angelic guidance and your own intuition, the stronger both will become. Recently I had an angel warn me continually about something, and I ignored each and every warning! I was looking for something to increase my chances of conception, and thought Id found a product that would do the trick. I read reviews online from other customers who used the product with quick, dramatic results. ‘You dont need it,’ a voice in my head said. I knew this was one of my guardian angels. But I was so excited about the positive reviews, and so desperate to get pregnant, I bought the product anyway. As I was purchasing the product online, one of my angels repeated, ‘You dont need it.’ Of course I bought it anyway. When the product came in the mail, I opened it and heard: ‘You dont need it.’ You guessed itI tried it anyway. My angels were rightwhile this product had worked for other people, it did nothing for me. I had ignored my angels repeated warnings because I was so obsessed with accomplishing this goal, and so frustrated that it wasnt happening. After I realized Id wasted time and money on this product, I felt more frustrated than ever, more desperate than ever (my angels wanted to spare me this). I was definitely experiencing the freight-car version of my life! I got quiet and asked why I was having trouble getting pregnant. ‘Timing,’ an angelic voice in my head said. This is what I had suspected, and one of my guardian angels had just confirmed it: The timing wasnt right at this moment for what I was trying to bring into my life. Id have to wait it out until the stars aligned.
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Angel Encyclopedia: JOHN MILTON paints a romantic picture of good and fallen angels in his epic treatment of the fall of ADAM AND EVE in Paradise Lost and the redemption in Paradise Regained. Milton was steeped in the works of Spenser, calling him ‘my original,’ and ‘a better teacher than Scotus or Aquinas.’ Milton was inspired by Spensers mission as a poet to embody moral lessons in beautiful imaginative forms. There is a striking analogy between Miltons interpretation of the struggle of forces involved in Adams fall and the representation of virtue under trial in the person of Sir Guyon (Faerie Queene, Book II). Both advocate temperance as the supremacy of the rational over the passionate principle in the soul.
Tarot for Beginners: Remember that these are not the only possible configurations for the Three-Card Spread. As you gain experience with the Tarot, you can learn to design your own readings by changing the designations of each position according to the kind of answers youre seeking.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for Temperance Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout The Archangel Metatron Angel Card.
Tarot Triumphs: The Star is akin to Temperance in that an angel in the former and a naked girl in the latter pour water from two jugs. But here the water is poured out, one jug pouring into the waters of what could be a river or lake, while the other pours water onto the ground. This is a card where nothing is kept back. Nakedness, openness, and giving forth characterize the figure of the Star. She can be interpreted as hope, generosity, and healing. Perhaps she is also a sign of female beauty and sexuality. But the actual name of the card is the Star, so the naked girl herself is most probably an emblem of the biggest and brightest star shown in the constellation of (usually) seven other stars. I think her nakedness is more a symbol of the soul than of sexuality; stars were often believed to be souls that had migrated from human life to the heavens, and the bird on the tree usually symbolizes a messenger from the world of souls. Looking at the Star in this way, we come to a sense of transcendent beauty rather than an earthly one, and to a sign that the flow of life connects this world with celestial spirit. There is much to be pondered here.