A Tarotscope with a Difference!
The tarot card associated with Taurus is The Hierophant. As this card appears today the issue of is brought to your attention.

The Hierophant, as your star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: beliefs, bonded, conformity, religion, marriage, commitment, conventional, traditional values, mercy, traditional institutions, inspiration, social approval, forgiveness
In Reverse:, unconventional relationships, vulnerability, unorthodoxy, challenging tradition, foolish generosity, unconventionality, frailty, unconventional lifestyles, reversed roles, impotence
You can click The Hierophant for more detail about how this card influences Taurus tarotscopes but first let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is.
This tarot horoscope is using cards from the Thoth Tarot Deck. Tarotscopes can be daily, weekly, monthly, or a long-term forecast for the year ahead. Tarotscopes are also useful to incorporate into normal one-to-one tarot readings which is what we offer for your free tarot reading.
About Taurus: Taurus is the second astrological symbol.It starts on April 20th and ends on May 20th. Taurus is represented by a bull. Taurus is all about the end rewards. Taureans are considered to be one of the most dependable people. However, they are not enthusiastic about venturing into unknown territory. They are the ones you can depend on to build upon the work.
This star sign card is part of the Taurus Tarotscope Reading with the Thoth Deck.
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