This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Wands specifically try The Six of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
When this card appears with regard to a committed relationship, you may find yourself feeling fear about the relationship. If so, examine it alone first. What are you afraid of? Are there specific things that your partner has said or done which has contributed to this fear? Everyone needs reassurance sometimes. If you are looking for love, you may be fearing that you will never find love. This does not have to be the case – unless you make it the case. If you find yourself feeling that way, look at your self esteem. Believe yourself worthy of being loved; because you are worthy.
Card Meanings: Broken Promises, Pride In Riches, Failure, Fame Hungry, Egotistical, Being Hunted, Postponement, Pride Before A Fall, Treachery, Disgrace, Losing, Ill-Will, Disadvantage, Lack Of Achievement/Recognition/ Support/ Confidence/ Endurance, Diva, Disloyalty, Mob/ Pack Mentality, Bad News, Weakness, Arrogant, Being A Follower, Disappointment
The Lord of Victory is a powerful and happy card, which offers us satisfaction and contentment. We may have had to struggle hard in order to achieve the success this card promises us, but when we achieve this breakthrough, we are well rewarded. So on a day which is ruled by the 6 of Wands, we can feel confident that the things we place our energy on will finally yield to our efforts. Pick things that have been particularly difficult to follow through on, and see whether the energy available today will bring them to completion. Also remember that, with the 6 of Wands, there is a strong element of competitiveness. So when looking for things to work on when ruled by the Lord of Victory, seek out those areas where you see yourself as a contender. And go whole-heartedly after the opportunities offered.
Finally remember to count your blessings – I know I’m forever going on about this one, but it’s relevant often with the Tarot – know who you are, know what you’ve got, and choose where you are going. It’ll come up again!! The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, check that you are not feeling superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual at all. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. How can we indulge in excess pride?
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Six of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Tarot Beginners Guide: Maybe the person concerned will offer her services to someone. The Devil card indicates that there are certain commitments and ties and that there is a need for freedom from restraint. Again, a reassessment is necessary, and the person concerned should guard against being tied to something or someone against their will. This probably accounts for the feelings put forward in the Hermit and Page of cups cards, as the Devil card, being the third card, is the card holding together the other four cards. The nine of swords is a worry card; there are worries involved as a result of the restrictions being placed upon the person. There are also probably family worries, unhappiness and quarrels. However, the six of wands card indicates that everything will turn out fine in the end, problems will be overcome and delays lifted.
Portable Magic: Throughout the nineteenth century, the esoteric Tarot tradition remained largely a French cottage industry. The great savant Court de Gibelin had shown the way, and lesser French luminaries such as Etteilla, Eliphas Levi (AlphonseLouis Constant, 181075), Paul Christian (JeanBaptiste Pitois, 181177), Stanislas de Guaita (186197), and Papus (GerardAnacletVincent Encausse, 18651916) were content to elaborate on his inspiration. It was only with the founding of the London temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888 that the blossoming esoteric tradition of the Tarot made its way to England, and from there to America.
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Portable Magic: with a specific occult potential, in much the same way a battery is charged with electrical potential, so that if and when the charm is needed, its accumulated power will flow forth to accomplish its function. The procedure is the same; only the intention is different. The cards of the charm, placed as realizers on the triangle, embody the purpose, which is the creation of a particular kind of charm. They are held in the mind during the final phase of the ritual when energy is sent lancing into the triangle to open the gateway of the Fool. The reflux of occult energy from the level of universal spirit expresses itself by energizing the cards of the charm, rather than by accomplishing some other specific task.