This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Swords specifically try The Six of Swords Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
You may feel overwhelmed spiritually when the Six of Swords appears. Everything and nothing may seem to make sense to you spiritually, all at the same time. The answer to this is to relax and empty your mind, rather than trying to grasp onto one ‘answer.’ In time, you will realize the direction that you need to go. For now, give yourself some peace. Everything that grows does so in stages, not all at once.
Card Meanings: Defeat, Floods, Stormy Relationships, Return From Travel, Eloping, Difficulties, Causing Trouble, Lack Of Progress, Nowhere To Run, Slow Healing, Obstacles, Out Of Frying Pan Into Fire, Disrupted/Cancelled Travel, Stuck, Trapped, Delay, Standing Your Ground, Rocking The Boat, Changing/ Abandoned Plans, Trouble Coming, Overwhelmed, Instability
When the Six of Swords appears, this is a great time for travel of any sort. It also can indicate metaphorical movement, a change in where you are inwardly. Usually this is a change for the better, whether the context is internal or external. Think about where you want to be.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Six of Swords using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Tarot Card Meanings: Six of Swords; a card that has many meanings in different traditions but generally relates to passing troubles and, particularly, to a smooth, easy passage to better times. Learning to balance your responsibilities and achieve calmness is indicated. Journeys and change are considered to be indicated and ones that will improve your circumstances. Reversed; a return to health, the birth of a child, marriage and better times are meanings traditionally ascribed to the Six of Swords when reversed.
Tarot Triumphs: Appropriately enough, for chapter three, I’d like to introduce the significance of the number three in relation to the Tarot. The sequence of the twenty-two Tarot Trumps lends itself well to considering numerical values, and straightaway it’s obvious that the twenty-one numbered cards divide up into three sets of seven.6 Three is therefore a good place to start exploring the numbering. ‘Three-ness’ may be less prominent in Tarot than, say, its sevenfold structure, which we shall come to later, or its interesting juxtaposition of twenty-one and twenty-two; but the pattern of three is, in my view, more useful in learning the process of Tarot divination. It opens up the idea of three as the prime basis for the creative forces of the universe, the three elements that lie behind any situation in human life, and it also gives us a base from which to explore the interactive possibilities of the cards.
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Reversed Cards: The Knight of Pentacles doesnt like to stray too far from home. In fact, he is much more comfortable in the confines of familiar territory. This is a key element to this card in the mirror aspect, for it lets you know that what you need is right within your grasp. You wont have to travel to find it, nor will you need to move beyond your comfort zone. You will, however, need to broaden your level of awareness so you can see it. Expand and extend your peripheral vision and you will see what you have been seeking.