This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Swords specifically try The Six of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
This is an energy under which simple mistakes can cause major problems at work. Be especially careful with important documents and correspondence; make sure your work is backed up and carefully stored. If you are looking for work, you may feel as though you are ‘on your own,’ in your quest. That’s not such a bad thing – allow yourself to look for work in places no one else might suggest or consider.
Card Meanings: Defeat, Floods, Stormy Relationships, Return From Travel, Eloping, Difficulties, Causing Trouble, Lack Of Progress, Nowhere To Run, Slow Healing, Obstacles, Out Of Frying Pan Into Fire, Disrupted/Cancelled Travel, Stuck, Trapped, Delay, Standing Your Ground, Rocking The Boat, Changing/ Abandoned Plans, Trouble Coming, Overwhelmed, Instability
When the Six of Swords appears, this is a great time for travel of any sort. It also can indicate metaphorical movement, a change in where you are inwardly. Usually this is a change for the better, whether the context is internal or external. Think about where you want to be.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Six of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Angel Encyclopedia: Asmodeus was one of the infernal agents blamed for the obscene sexual possession of a convent of nuns in 17th-century France, during the height of the witch scare that ran through Europe. The incident occurred at a convent in Louviers in 1647, and involved 18 nuns who allegedly were possessed through the bewitchments of the nunnerys director and the vicar of Louviers. According to confessionsmost extracted under torturethe possessed nuns committed unspeakable sexual acts with the devil and demons; attended witches sabbats, where they ate babies; and uttered obscenities and spoke in tongues. The nuns were subject to public exorcisms. The vicar, Father Thomas Boulle, was burned alive. The body of the nunnery director, Mathurin Picard, who died before sentencing was passed, was exhumed and burned. A nun who broke the story to authorities, Sister Madeleine Bavent, was sentenced to the dungeon.
Reversed Cards: The Chariot, along with its sun sign of Cancer, is ruled by the moon, which you might have noticed on your Chariot card. On the Chariot of Llewellyns Classic Tarot, we find the crescent moons show up in triplicate, which is interesting because sevens and threes tend to hang out together a lot in numerology. Maybe that is why we see the driver of this Chariot with his eyes closed. Perhaps he is tapping into the vision of his destination, not willing to move until he sees it clearly with his intuitive sight. This might just be a teachable moment from our seven. Here in the retrograde aspect, you are being instructed on how to intend, imagine, and create your journey. See it, believe it has already been achieved, and go have the actual physical experience. It really is a very simple equation. Yet how often do you do it? How often do you follow all the steps, in order? Even the sphinxes seem to understand that before they can move, the driver has to tap into the journey itself. He has to feel it, become it, and then engage with it. If you have drawn this card in the retrograding aspect, you are being schooled by the number seven on how to move without the doubt. The first step: stop and stand still.
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Tarot Triumphs: TriumphsThis term relates to the Italian word Trionfi, used to designate the twenty-two Tarot Trumps. It also corresponds to the Triumphs of processions that used to take place in Italy, with various tableaux representing conquering heroes and scenes of life, each one ‘triumphing’ over or ‘trumping’ the one before it.