69-Six of Disks Reversed Thoth Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Disks specifically try The Six of Disks Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

It is important to be generous at work with your time, attention, and information when this card appears. This will make the work smoother (and happier) for you and for everyone concerned. Trying to keep work oriented things totally to and for yourself is a mistake now. Open up. Be friendly. Things are not as cutthroat as you may be thinking.

Card Meanings: Inequality, Jealousy, Unfairness, Miserliness, Extortion, Scams, Meanness, Underpaid, Gullibility, Lack/Abuse Of Generosity, Lack Of Investment, Greed, Subservience, Fake Charity, Abuse Of Power Or Position, Gifts With Strings Attached, Bad Debts, Unemployment, Undervalued, Poor Financial Decisions, Lack Of Charity

The Six of Disks is often a sign of a turn for the better, particularly with regard to money. It’s one of the more positive cards. It speaks of equality, fairness, and the cyclical nature of life. When this card appears, you are likely to be heading into a positive cycle.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Six of Disks using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Portable Magic
Book Details
Portable Magic: Every full ritual starts with a blank working surface large enough to hold the complete ritual layout. This will usually be a table, but any flat surface will serve the same purpose. It is one of the great virtues of Tarot magic that the tarot cards can be laid out anywhere, on anything. Whatever the physical surface, the corresponding astral place of working should be visualized in the imagination as a featureless black floor that extends in all directions into darkness, at least in the beginning stages of your practice. By eliminating extraneous distractions from the astral landscape, the attention is more easily concentrated on the various details of the ritual.

Try our Love Horoscopes: Aquarius and Taurus

Elements of the Psychic World: Cardinal Wolsey’s ghost has been reported under one of the archways by a member of an audience viewing a light and sound show in 1966. Strange happenings and mysterious noises have also been reported on the anniversary of the death of Christopher Wren. Wren redesigned the Palace for Queen Anne from 1702 to 1714 and died there while supervising a renovation on 26 February 1723.

Psychic Abilities : There are numerous psychic traditions that you should know of. Amongst the most well-known are astrology, as well as the reading of tarot cards. Practice bringing your intuition to the fore with these traditions. You will be able to increase the way that you think, and improve on your powers of observation with these. Your psychic experiences will likely increase.

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Tarot Triumphs: 13 I have seen two illuminations illustrating the text of La Somme le Roy, dating from the turn of the fourteenth century, which both show Prudence as a crowned female figure instructing a crowd of respectful supplicants from a book or scroll. Prudence has been singled out as the cardinal virtue not present in the Tarot pack: Justice, Strength, and Temperance are all there. However, if these cardinal virtues do form a part of the Tarot structure—and this is debatable—then aligning the High Priestess to Prudence does make sense, and it completes the quadruplicity of virtues.