This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Cups specifically try The Six of Cups Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
The honeymoon period may be over in your work life when you receive The reversed Six of Cups. However, this does not have to be a bad thing, it’s simply that your rose colored glasses are off now and you are seeing your surroundings more clearly. Think long and hard before deciding if you need to take some sort of action due to perceived wrongs in the workplace. Many battles are worth fighting, many are not. Trust yourself to know the difference.
Card Meanings: Leaving Home, Growing Up, Letting Go Of The Past, Maturity, Disappointment, Friendship, Childhood Abuse, Boredom, Rose-Tinted View Of The Past, Stagnation, Resolving Childhood Issues, Lack Of Creativity, Independence, Focusing On The Future, Being Stuck In The Past, Past, Stolen Innocence
The Six of Cups is often a card about nostalgia; looking back on how things ‘used’ to be. It can be (but is not always) connected with children or childhood.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Six of Cups using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: The Six of Cups is a card of childhood and pleasure. In terms of a relationship, it is often considered to be the sign of a soul mate connection or perhaps a connection with someone youve known since you were very young.
Tarot Triumphs: Tarot, after all, has evolved to become a sequence of twenty-two images that hold together well as a set; they seem to be deliberately chosen, drawn for the most part from classical allusions and medieval imagery, but presented in an original way, and as an apparently meaningful set, not as a random mix of allusions. And they evade attempts to tie them into one specific source.12 They contain elements of known images, as we’ll explore in chapter five, but they have an identity of their own as a set and sequence of symbols. This has led to frequent conjecture that a form of spiritual teaching may well have been embedded in the early forms of Tarot, perhaps a version of Sufism, Kabbalah, or alchemy. This is speculation, but not outlandish conjecture. Or perhaps it emerged from a school of wisdom that has not survived in any other recognizable form.
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Reversed Cards: When the World card shows up, we are normally grateful and oftentimes relieved, as the World card tends to show a completion, something that is finally coming together in a finished way. Even though this is not the first time we have seen completion energy in the major arcana, the Worlds endings are different from those of the Death card and even the cycles that present themselves in the Moon card. The World is the end of the Fools journey, a point of graduation, if you will. Mixed with the energy of the three, it is a card that lets us know that we have either received something we have worked hard to manifest or that it is indeed on its way. Here in the reversed aspect of this card, however, things are still aligning and coming together, and you are not quite ready to graduate and move on just yet. It is important to note that the completed circle is not broken, nor is the completion energy in any way being taken off its intended path; it is merely still coming together. Like the three it vibrates to, it is finding its way to the finish line on its own terms, in its own way, and on its own time.