41-Six of Cups Reversed Rider Waite Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Six of Cups specifically try The Six of Cups Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

Card Meanings: Leaving Home, Growing Up, Letting Go Of The Past, Maturity, Disappointment, Friendship, Childhood Abuse, Boredom, Rose-Tinted View Of The Past, Stagnation, Resolving Childhood Issues, Lack Of Creativity, Independence, Focusing On The Future, Being Stuck In The Past, Past, Stolen Innocence

One of the truly wonderful things about being alive is that it allows us access to a wealth of different emotions – of course, we sometimes wish it didn’t, particularly when we are hurting – yet this hugely flexible resource of response is one of our most valuable treasures. The Lord of Pleasure is about learning how to enter into pleasure with an open heart which is ready to receive, and freely allow the passage of emotion through it. Too often, we fail to enter the moment, and instead, stand on the threshold of life. This card challenges us to cross that threshold, and flow with the river of love which is always available to us. So on a day ruled by the Lord of Pleasure, we have to consider what pleasures us (and don’t shy away from your own sexuality!!). Today, you need to make a point of taking the time to give yourself up to pleasure, however you define it. (In my mind’s eye, I see certain of our company reaching eagerly for the chocolate bar whilst repeating, like a mantra, the words “Oh thankyou …thankyou…” 😉

It is a truism that there is violence, anger and mean-spiritedness in the world. Certainly there is enough of this, but there is also much good will and caring. A mother hands a drink to her child. A friend lends his car for the weekend. A worker fills in for a sick colleague. Small gestures, barely noticed, but so important. The Six of Cups is a card of simple goodness. It encourages you to be kind, generous and forgiving. And there’s a little exercise I’d like you to take time out to do as well. Sit down comfortably, and relax. Pay special attention to opening out your chest area. Now concentrate on your breathing……feel it flowing in and out of your body……feel it cool, and refreshing. Now each time you draw in breath, draw in love as well…. Connect with the all-embracing, infinite, unconditional love that flows through life in each and every day…..and enjoy!!!!!

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Six of Cups using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Development for Beginners: The way that psychic shields work is they are trained to either reflect or absorb

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Tarot Card Meanings: Six of Cups; an excellent card suggesting friendship and love, usually relating to the home and family.  Rekindling old friendships is also associated with this card.  Reversed; the same meaning is usually applied in this case.

Elements of the Psychic World: Waite’s thinking was heavily influenced by the spiritualist movement and by the writings of Madame Blavatsky. He entered the Order of the Golden Dawn and passed through the grades of the first order, but then resigned due to internal conflicts. A few years later he rejoined and entered the second order, rewriting its body of ceremonial from the viewpoint of Christian mysticism. Later his interest turned towards Freemasonry, where he attempted to chart a secret tradition underlying various aspects of occultism. He wrote numerous books and poems, which have largely been forgotten mainly due to his scholarly, tedious and at times pompous style. The Rider Waite Tarot deck he

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Elements of the Psychic World: The ancient Chinese believed that jade could help inspire the mind to make quick and precise decisions. The ancient trader would often hold this gem in the palm of his right hand while he engaged in business transactions. Carved into a scarab, jade is also said to bring its owner a long and prosperous life. In magic jade is used for protection and to help remember dreams and solve problems. In healing it is used to enhance fertility, strengthen the cardiovascular system, cleanse the blood and dispel negative emotions.