28-Seven of Wands Reversed Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Seven of Wands specifically try The Seven of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

Card Meanings: Yielding, Lack Of Courage/ Self-Belief/ Stamina, Scandal/Losing Moral Authority/ Control/ Power/Respect, Indecision, Compromise, Failing To Defend/ Protect, Worn Down, Patience, Giving In/Up, Sharing Territory, Advantage, Being Timid, Folding On Your Beliefs, Surrendering, Resolution, Admitting Defeat, Weakness, Burn-Out, Quitting, Being Overbearing

The Lord of Valour reminds us to take stock of our inner reserves of courage and strength. It will often come up to mark times where great change is in the air, where momentous decisions need to be made, and where we must grasp the moment. On a day ruled by the 7 of Wands, the most important thing is to be alert for opportunities and great chances. Often these come up completely out of the blue, and must be seized without hesitation. This card often marks those apparently coincidental occurrences which begin a chain of events that leads us into a decisive and fulfilling life change. So pay special attention to everything that happens today. And at the same time, keep a running check on your own feelings. If today is the day upon which your dearest dream comes true, how will you feel? Are you ready to let change run in your life? Are you prepared to take risks? And do you feel that today, you trust yourself?

If you encounter resistance of any sort on a day ruled by the Lord of Valour, remember that this card is about being true to yourself, following the voice of your own heart, and protecting your needs and hopes. This is a day in which you need to believe in yourself. So hold hard against anything which interferes with that. Refuse to allow anything (or anybody) to undermine you. And keep in touch with what you believe to be true. And if you do all those things, today could bring miracles into your life!! Some battles are worth fighting, others just cause trouble. If you are involved in a conflict, ask yourself if it’s worth the struggle. Is it important? Does it have value? Will the outcome serve you or others? If so, be bold and aggressive. Defend your position. Refuse to yield! If not, then consider letting the conflict go. Be honest with yourself about this. You will be tempted to hold onto your position, especially if you have invested much time and energy into it. Don’t let battle lines be drawn unless the war is worth fighting.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Seven of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: For three years from 1807, the family of Mr John Chave at Sampford Peverell, near Tiverton, Devon was allegedly plagued by a ghost. The events were recorded at the time by the Revd Caleb Colton, and were published as The Narrative of the Sampford Ghost (1810). Terrible crashes during the day and night, invisible hands attacking the occupants and objects flying around the rooms were the main activities. No explanation has ever been provided, however, the later discovery of secret passageways in the house and the knowledge that smugglers were active at the time suggests the likelihood of fraud.

Try our Love Horoscopes: Virgo and Taurus

Creative Tarot: I lined up these stories with a tarot card that describes a similar situation. Standing up for what you believe in is a Seven of Wands kind of thing, and so I placed it there. Perhaps if you draw the same card during a reading, you can use that person’s story as an inspiration for you to find the same strength. Losing a manuscript and needing to start over is the destructive element of the Tower. Dealing with disappointment and humiliation corresponds with the Five of Cups.

Tarot Triumphs: We are about to meet the Tarot Triumphs in the guise of a triumphal procession. These processions were popular in fifteenth-century Italy, somewhat similar to carnival parades as we recognize them today, providing a form of street theater with exotic performers and floats passing by. They were accompanied by music and dancing, and enjoyed by people of all classes. But the triumphal processions also had a more exalted purpose, as they included tableaux that portrayed allegorical and cosmological themes. This was a type of renaissance effort to depict the world in all its glory, embracing both sacred and secular knowledge. All this was revealed, often to celebrate weddings or feast days, in a succession of magnificent emblems, a burst of color and spectacle. The triumphal processions also embodied the notion of ‘trumping’; each successive figure or display in the procession trumped the one that came before it in terms of moral superiority, spiritual value, or just the social order of the day. It had its roots in earlier Roman parades, where a virtue trumped a vice, Death trumped worldly success, and an emperor trumped a slave, for instance.

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Reversed Cards: Here in the protection aspect, you may find yourself feeling a little lost, possibly a little detached from your own life. This is normal when going through a major point of karmic expansion. It seems like things around you are getting worse, not better, and it is hard for you to hold the idea in your head that this is all for your highest good. But no one said the spiritual path was the easy path. In fact, it is one of the hardest journeys you will take. Why do you think the Hierophant sits in the very first row of the Fool’s journey? Because the lessons he teaches you will take a lifetime to learn. So if this card has shown up in your daily draw or current spread, take heart that this chaos is less random and more strategic than you might imagine. Allow yourself to stay detached and just let it all roll on by. Because the great thing about the energy of the five is that it never lasts long.