This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Swords specifically try The Queen of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
With regard to money, The Queen of Swords can show that a strong woman is about to play an important role in your financial life. There is a lot that you can learn from her, if you can be open to what she has to say.
Card Meanings: Realistic, Principled, Independent, Divorced, Open-Minded, Brave, Clever, Sophisticated, Strong, Skillful, Fair, Repressed Pain Or Sadness, Intelligent, Mother, Problem Solver, Rush, Discerning, Self-Reliant, Funny, Candid, Constructive Criticism, Communicative, Sceptical, Witty, Objective, Sharp Wit, Honest, Truthful, Protective, Chatty, Quirky
The Queen of Swords can point to a woman in the querent’s life. This is a woman who is not to be trifled with. Often she will have dark hair and/or eyes. If not a person, she can point to the need for you to be forceful and honest in some situation to get your needs met. You may need to put your foot down.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Queen of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: Queens are mature nurturing individuals (mother figures) who are responsive to the emotional climate surrounding the querent. They represent important women related to the current situation or significant personality traits needed by the querent to navigate the matter at hand. When upright, the Queen of Swords indicates a need to keep your wits about you as you go through a period of anticipated loss, deprivation, or actual grief. This queen has known sorrow but has matured and become more self-reliant as a result of her privations.
Reversed Cards: Intentionally self-inflicted pain is more common than you might think, and very often we do it so someone else wont be hurt. If you have received this card in the mirror position, there is a good chance you have decided to take on more than your fair share of the pain recently. This may be because you are at the beginning of a healing cycle, or it may be that you have decided to be the human shield for someone close to you. Either way, neither of these positions can be maintained for long.
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Tarot Beginners Guide: Numbered 6, this card is the card of choice. There may be a problem with relationships versus job or hobby, of there being a choice concerning more than one lover, or a duality in another sense, as in our relationship with ourself, or even a hasty marriage which proves unwise. Whatever the case, choices are necessary, and the decisions made are crucial. We seek compatibility, romance, and perfection, but will be put to the test and examined. This card can herald the start of a new romance or a struggle with an existing relationship. Through this set of circumstances, however, we will learn more about ourselves. Choices made should be guided by our inner self, rather than logic..We should guard against temptations placed in front of us and listen more to our inner wisdom. This card can also indicate the need to spend money on a project or on another person. Should the card be reversed, unwise plans, wrong choices, fickleness and separation, or infidelity are suggested.