This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Pattern specifically try The Queen of Pattern Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
You are likely to make great headway now. A woman with dark hair and/or eyes may play a significant role in your working life; if so, know that she is an ally for you. If possible, bring items from your home life into your work situation. This will help you to feel more ‘at home’ there, and will likely make you more effective.
Card Meanings: Intelligence, Organised, Luxury, Sensible, Melancholy, High Social Status/Social Butterfly, Loyal, Down To Earth, Witch, Businesswoman, Talents, Wealth, Financially Independent, Mature Grounded Female, Welcoming, The Finer Things In Life, Kind, Generous, Homemaker, Success, Healer, Nurturing, Prosperity, No-Nonsense, Thoughtfulness, Practical
The Queen of Pattern often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. However this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. ; The energy of The Queen of Pattern is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Queen of Pattern using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: ritual. The basic tools are the point, the ray, the circle, the triangle, and the cross. The accompanying schematic diagram shows the typical arrangement of these tools during rituals. In the following chapters we will examine each tool in detail, describing the cards used in its creation and how they are arranged, but here I wish to consider them symbolically, as shapes, in relation to one another.
Portable Magic: Once it is realized that playing cards were in common use at the time the Tarot was invented, it is easy to see that the suit cards of the Tarot were based on playing cards. The four suits of the Tarot have almost the same structure as the four playing card suits. The major difference is that the Tarot suits have four court cards each, whereas playing card suits have only three court cards. The other difference is in the suit symbols. Playing cards adopted the new suit symbols developed in France around 1470, the familiar Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. Tarot decks continued to use the older suit symbols in use in Europe before the invention of the French suit symbols.
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Tarot Triumphs: Waite calls the layout ‘an ancient Celtic method of divination,’ but he also states that it ‘has been used privately for many years past in England’ and, to his knowledge, has never been published before. Its origins are not known with any certainty; it may well have associations with the Order of the Golden Dawn, who might have invented it as part of their magical system, or perhaps it was based on an old folk fortune-telling spread, using playing cards rather than Tarot cards.9