This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Disks specifically try The Queen of Disks Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
It’s critical that you trust yourself. You may not see things spiritually the way everyone else does, but your belief system works for you, and that’s what’s most important. When it comes to our spiritual lives, although it’s important to listen to the input from others, ultimately we must make our own decisions. If others don’t understand your decisions, that’s their problem.
Card Meanings: Intelligence, Organised, Luxury, Sensible, Melancholy, High Social Status/Social Butterfly, Loyal, Down To Earth, Witch, Businesswoman, Talents, Wealth, Financially Independent, Mature Grounded Female, Welcoming, The Finer Things In Life, Kind, Generous, Homemaker, Success, Healer, Nurturing, Prosperity, No-Nonsense, Thoughtfulness, Practical
The Queen of Disks often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. However this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. ; The energy of The Queen of Disks is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Queen of Disks using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: Waite (1911): A dark cloaked figure looking sideways at three prone cups; two others stand upright behind him; a bridge is in the background, leading to a small keep or holding. Divinatory Meanings: A card of loss, but something remains over; three have been taken, but two are left; it is a card of inheritance, patrimony, transmission, but not corresponding to expectations; with some interpreters it is a card of marriage, but not without bitterness or frustration; (R) news, alliances, affinity, consanguinity, ancestry, return, false projects.
Portable Magic: An aspect is an angle between two planets on the circle of the zodiac by which the zodiac may be divided into equal parts. The angle is measured from the centre of the zodiac. Because the trumps of the planetary modifiers are always placed directly over the trumps of the signs, aspects in Tarot magic are always created in round increments of thirty degrees.
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Tarot Triumphs: One common interpretation is that these two ladies represent Vice (sometimes called Sensuality) and Virtue. This is borne out by various emblems independent of Tarot packs, such as the one in Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Comenius (1658), where his illustration no. 109 under ‘Moral Philosophy’ shows much the same picture, with the two women positively tugging the young man in different directions!21 Comenius’s written description here encompasses the teaching of Pythagoras on the importance of wise choices: ‘This Life is a way, or a place divided into two ways, like Pythagoras’s Letter Y. Broad, on the left hand track; narrow, on the right; that belongs to Vice, this to Virtue.’ So there is, perhaps, a kind of implicit sacred geometry embedded here with the forking symbol of lover and ladies indicating the diverging pathways.