This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Disks specifically try The Queen of Disks Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
You may need to create time and space to focus on yourself first, in order for your health to truly improve. If you are constantly putting everyone before you and before your needs, then your health may suffer as a result. Balance in all things is important. You are just as important as anyone else.
Card Meanings: Intelligence, Organised, Luxury, Sensible, Melancholy, High Social Status/Social Butterfly, Loyal, Down To Earth, Witch, Businesswoman, Talents, Wealth, Financially Independent, Mature Grounded Female, Welcoming, The Finer Things In Life, Kind, Generous, Homemaker, Success, Healer, Nurturing, Prosperity, No-Nonsense, Thoughtfulness, Practical
The Queen of Disks often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. However this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. ; The energy of The Queen of Disks is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Queen of Disks using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: Now do the same with the stack of six cards in the center of the wheel. The central stack makes a general comment on the querents life course at this time.
Complete Book of Tarot: It is important to keep in mind that none of these functions exists in isolation. Our understanding of the world is always based on a combination of sensing, thinking, feeling, and intuition. Some people and some court cards, however, excel at one or more of these functions in preference to others. For example, the Page (Earth) of Swords (Air) is a keen observer of his environment (an Earth or sensation function) and quickly connects the dots and elaborates theories about what is going on (an Air or thinking function). The remaining court cards can be analyzed in a similar way. The accompanying table illustrates Jungs typology as applied to the court cards of the tarot.
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Tarot Triumphs: In French, his name is Le Bateleur, or Juggler, but although this name appears on most of the traditional Marseilles packs, his role in the Tarot is primarily that of a conjuror or magician. Taking both terms in a slightly wider sense, he is a prime candidate for one of the possible jongleurs in this pack, a strolling player who could turn his hand to all different kinds of entertainment: conjuring tricks, taming beasts, acting, storytelling, and performing music.5 This kind of adaptability is also one of the marks of a true magician who can create wonderful effects by using whatever simple things are at hand, improvising to delight a crowd. Ritual and magic go hand in hand: the laying out of his equipment on the table, the gathering of everyone’s attention, and the clever use of words and gestures will all help to create enchantment. Sometimes this is based on illusion, sometimes it appears to be real magic. It depends on what we believe is possible.