This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Cups specifically try The Queen of Cups Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
This card signifies support and love in the context of health. If you have need of healing, look to women/those with strong feminine energy. She also indicates the need to be loving and supportive of yourself, particularly if you are facing health challenges. If you are dealing with illness of some type, The Queen of Cups can mean that you need to forgive and send love to your body. No matter the situation, your body has doubtless been good to you in some ways. Think positively and trust in the universe’s healing energy. She can also mean good news with regard to health.
Card Meanings: Intuition, Loving Mother, Shy, Gentle, Mature Emotional Female, Caring, Loving, Counsellor, Psychic, Security, Warmth, Femininity, Kindness, Romance, Beauty, Empath, Inspirational, Happiness, Loyal, Sensitivity, Healer, Creative Artistic, Pretty, Daydreamer, Listener, Faithful, Supportive, Easily Wounded
The Queen of Cups is among the most loving archetypes in the deck. She indicates compassion, love, and concern for ourselves and our fellow man. Often when the ‘court cards’ come up in a reading, they indicate an actual person, in this case a woman, in our lives. The majority of the time when The Queen of Cups appears, and is ‘standing in’ for a person, she is representing a female with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Queen of Cups using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The Queen of Cups is a heart-centered leader who uses her intuitive powers to govern her choices, which is why you can excuse her for being a little frustrated here in the blocked aspect. Right now she cant seem to find her way, and her visions are cloudy and uncertain. When the Queen of Cups cant tap into her intuitive powers, life seems heavy, overwhelming, and confusing. Water needs to flow, and here in the blocked aspect, the queen is almost at her breaking point. Meditation will help you unblock your queen and get back in the flow.
Portable Magic: It is an easy matter to extend the table of elemental pairs to include the Pages, and to provide examples for them, as I have done. This is useful because it integrates the Pages with the other court cards. However, it should always be borne in mind that in their fundamental nature, the Pages are different from the other court cards. Their active foreground lower element is Earth, which has almost no active energy. It does not initiate. It receives impressions like wet clay, and then hardens to sustain those impressions. When applying this understanding to the human types represented by the court cards in Tarot magic, it may be observed that children are unformed and still in the process of receiving the impressions that will shape their lives and make them into the adults they will become. Young children have always been associated with the Pages.
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Portable Magic: Lay the significator of the person you are trying to contact on the triangle of realization so that it rests on the middle of the triangle and points away from the centre of the circle, in the same orientation as the Fool. If you are seated in the west facing east, and the triangle is in the west, this court card will be upside down from your own perspective, but this does not matter. The significator on the triangle is always oriented with reference to the centre of the circle, which is its down or ground.