This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Queen of Coins specifically try The Queen of Coins Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
This card can indicate that you will be spending time, money, and energy on your home, getting it to be more comfortable. This is a good thing, provided you don’t take on too much debt. People will be looking to you for insight and/or advice. You will be able to help them, if you are so inclined. This is a time period when you can get a lot accomplished.
Card Meanings: Intelligence, Organised, Luxury, Sensible, Melancholy, High Social Status/Social Butterfly, Loyal, Down To Earth, Witch, Businesswoman, Talents, Wealth, Financially Independent, Mature Grounded Female, Welcoming, The Finer Things In Life, Kind, Generous, Homemaker, Success, Healer, Nurturing, Prosperity, No-Nonsense, Thoughtfulness, Practical
The Queen of Coins often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. However this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. ; The energy of The Queen of Coins is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Queen of Coins using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: The Queen of Coins is a queen of fertility and fecundity. She is practical and thrifty. She knows how to make much with very little, the kind of person who can create a feast out of whatever is in the pantry. As such, this queen is never in a state of want.
Portable Magic: This confusion caused many writers to date the earliest reference to the Tarot in France as having occurred in the year 1392, when the card maker Jacquemin Gringonneur is recorded to have produced a set of hand painted cards for King Charles VI. The erroneous assumption was made that these were Tarot cards, and they were associated with an existing partial set of early Tarot cards known, quite incorrectly, as the Charles VI Tarot deck. However, the link had no basis. The Tarot did not become widely known in France until the sixteenth century.
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Portable Magic: When the background element of the suit is combined with the foreground element derived from the divine name, each court card obtains a pair of elements. The working of the more active foreground element of the individual card against the more passive background element of the suit gives each card its unique identity, so that the court cards represent sixteen distinct human types. It is usual to write the foreground element first and the background element second, mirroring the titles of the cards themselves.