This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Princess of Disks specifically try The Princess of Disks Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
With The reversed Princess of Disks, it can be easy to accidentally hurt yourself while you’re ‘playing.’ Try to stay mindful and in the moment, and you should be fine. If you are not a teetotaler, you should be very, very careful with alcohol and drugs when this card appears. It can be very easy to get carried away now, or to cause yourself a minor injury because you have imbibed. Focus is the key word; get some.
Card Meanings: Unhealthy Lifestyle, Irresponsible, Not Taking Advantage Of Opportunities, Immature, Unfaithfulness, Lacking Common Sense, Bad News In Earthly Matters, Procrastination, Rebellious, Luxury, Bad News, Obsession With Divination, Poor Prospects, Frustration, No Groundwork, Failing/Dropping Out, Foolish, Underachiever, Lazy, Unworkable Plan, Sullen, Lack Of Goals, No Follow Through, Learning Difficulties, Disloyalty
The Princess of Disks can be a card about boredom, in some ways. You may be tempted to say or do things to shake things and people up just for a little excitement. Rethink this impulse, and find a better use of your energy. Excitement can be created.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Princess of Disks using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Elements of the Psychic World: An even simpler spread is the three-card spread, which gives a quick answer; overview to a single question/issue. Lay out three cards in a row from left to right. Reading from left to right, the cards represent the past, the present and the future.
Portable Magic: wished to revive Rosicrucianism as an active esoteric school embracing all the major occult currents of the Western tradition, among them Hermetic philosophy, alchemy, the Tarot, and the Kabbalah, and sought to use these ancient teachings in the daily practice of ceremonial magic. They were bold enough to extend their teachings to both men and women, a practice uncommon in the tradition of Freemasonry.
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Tarot Triumphs: 12 As Ronald Decker points out in The Esoteric Tarot, ‘In the very period when both the archetypal Tarot and allegorical art were most familiar, viewers complained that the trumps were a senseless mishmash. This reaction is an important clue. It disqualifies certain modern theories that base the trumps’ symbolism primarily on some famous literary work, be it the Apocalypse of St. John or the poetry of Petrarch’ (89).