This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Page of Questing specifically try The Page of Questing Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
Money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when this card appears. Some of what you’ve put out into the world (in the form of good energy) is likely to be returning to you, with interest. This is a very good time to start planning long range, even if you’re twenty years old. Where do you want to be, financially in thirty years? How will you make it happen?
Card Meanings: Confident, Phone Calls, Intelligent, Cheerful, Structure, Optimistic, Bright Ideas, Extroverted, Lovable Rogue, Good News, Fresh, Word Of Mouth, Rushing Into Things, Swift News, Free-Thinking, Fatherhood, Fun Playful, Authority, Full Of Energy, Creativity, Active, Fearless, New Exciting Plans, Letters, Charismatic, Control, Childlike
Cards such as The Page very often indicate a literal person in our lives. In this case, it can indicate a female who is younger than the querent. Such people are warm, ambitious, and usually high achievers. If not a literal person, The Page of Questing indicates the energy of easy distraction. Try to stay focused.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Page of Questing using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: The limitations of this system of assignment are obvious. Not all men with fair hair and blue eyes have the same personality. Some are timid while others are bold. Some are enterprising and others lazy. Some are kind and others malicious. Yet only one human personality type correctly matches the King of Cups. Aleister Crowley completely did away with the assignment of significators by physical indicators. Instead, he relied on personality profiles, and made no mention of hair and eye color in his descriptions of the human types linked to the court cards. Under Crowley’s revised method of assignment, a mature man who is easy going, graceful, and sensitive would receive the King of Cups as his significator no matter what he might look like, whether he was a blond Norwegian or a black Moroccan. Crowley did not change the personality types of the court cards from those of the Golden Dawn; he merely omitted the physical indicators linked to the court cards.
Tarot Triumphs: If this happens three times (which is rare), the reading is canceled for the moment. It could be helpful for the reader and the querent to discuss why they think this has happened. If neither of them knows, one way to end the session on a positive note is to say that perhaps there are imminent changes about to take place, and it’s better to wait awhile and see what happens first. I suggest that a minimum of three days should pass before another attempt is made. The reader should in no way bind the querent to try again. Tarot readings aren’t for everyone.
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Tarot Triumphs: If this happens three times (which is rare), the reading is canceled for the moment. It could be helpful for the reader and the querent to discuss why they think this has happened. If neither of them knows, one way to end the session on a positive note is to say that perhaps there are imminent changes about to take place, and it’s better to wait awhile and see what happens first. I suggest that a minimum of three days should pass before another attempt is made. The reader should in no way bind the querent to try again. Tarot readings aren’t for everyone.