74-Page of Pentacles Reversed Rider Waite Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Page of Pentacles specifically try The Page of Pentacles Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

Card Meanings: Unhealthy Lifestyle, Irresponsible, Not Taking Advantage Of Opportunities, Immature, Unfaithfulness, Lacking Common Sense, Bad News In Earthly Matters, Procrastination, Rebellious, Luxury, Bad News, Obsession With Divination, Poor Prospects, Frustration, No Groundwork, Failing/Dropping Out, Foolish, Underachiever, Lazy, Unworkable Plan, Sullen, Lack Of Goals, No Follow Through, Learning Difficulties, Disloyalty

This card is one with a great deal of hidden strength and power within it, which promises new growth, big changes and new beginnings, accompanied by the inner reserves to make the best of those influences. A day ruled by this Princess is one on which financial matters will usually work well, and where you may quite possibly receive good news regarding money and wealth. Pay special attention to ideas you have during a day like this, and be prepared to think them through and act on them as soon as the time is right. Keep firmly in touch with everyday life, but listen for the whispers of intuition which are sparked by part of the Princess’s inner power. This is a day to be well-earthed, but to walk with your head among the stars.

The Princess of Disks has a hidden title – the rose of the Palace of Earth. And here we find the deepest spiritual aspects of her influence. The Palace of Earth is the planet, and the rose is connected symbolically to the rosa mundi, the Rose of the World – a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Thus this card touches upon the most important issues about being in love with life – its creation, its experience, its excitement and promise of fulfilment. When we are able to enjoy each passing minute of our lives, we put ourselves in touch with the mighty and empowering forces of love which flow through the Cosmos at all times. We become more deeply aware of the creative force of the goddess, and more in touch with our own inner vitality and life force.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Page of Pentacles using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: In another of his celebrated investigations, Fodor was called to Baltimore, Maryland, to investigate a well-publicized case involving the Jones family (the Baltimore poltergeist). For several weeks the family had endured a number of terrifying incidents, including furniture purportedly moving of its own accord and curious knocking sounds within the wall. In his study of the case, Fodor concluded that the activity centred around 17-year-old Ted Pauls. He attributed the activity to recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, random outbursts of psychokinetic energy from the subject’s unconscious mind. Fodor’s use of the term and his conclusion that this was causing the poltergeist outbreaks opened new ground in the field of parapsychology, and many of the terms and definitions coined by Fodor to explain elements of the cases he investigated are still in use today.

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Reversed Cards: Do you remember feeling like a king when you won all the money playing Monopoly as a kid? Even though you knew it was pretend, that feeling of abundance seemed real. While the Page of Pentacles is in the protection aspect, you might want to start playing the abundance game once again. Now is not the time to be using your real material resources. Instead, play, pretend, or, as the saying goes, fake it till you make it. Pull out your Monopoly money and start creating that abundant feeling, and before you know it, real abundance will start flowing again.

Tarot Triumphs: Jo thus effected my initiation into Tarot. A Tarot master is, I suggest, someone who acts either as your first true point of contact with Tarot or as a teacher of Tarot at any given moment along the way. Maybe the person is an expert, maybe not. But he or she does know something, and if through that knowledge and living contact your own connection is sparked, then this is the work of a Tarot master. Tarot is a living tradition, and coming to it through someone who is involved in that chain of transmission creates a special understanding of the cards, which will probably color and illuminate your understanding of the Tarot for all time. Of course, this is not the only way that an individual encounters Tarot in a meaningful way. I don’t doubt that for some people the pack of cards itself, or a particular book, may also open the door to a true encounter with Tarot lineage. If this book can achieve that for anyone, I will feel honored to be a link in the chain of transmission.

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Reversed Cards: The wheel in Buddhism is the cycle of karmic reincarnation. In other words, we are born, we live, and then we die, rinse and repeat times infinity! When this card shows up in the mirror aspect in a reading or daily draw, you want to think about all the hooks you need to detach from in order to see the wheel as a part of your soul’s journey and not your ego’s. Just know the ego loves the idea of being blessed with good fortune. It loves the idea of being able to win favor with the god Jupiter. Yet the soul…the soul needs nothing. The Wheel of Fortune in the mirror aspect is the perfect reminder that we come from nothing, and it is to nothing we will return. Complete, whole, and enlightened.