This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Page of Cups specifically try The Page of Cups Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When you pull The reversed Page, this is a time to be exceedingly careful with purchases. You may be shopping in an attempt to somehow fill a deeper need. Think three times before plunking down that credit card. Do research on big ticket items before buying. It’s a twist on the old saying: ‘Purchase in haste, and repent at leisure…’
Card Meanings: Becoming Sexually Active, Attention Seeking, Selfishness, Jealousy, Vindictiveness, No Desires, Sexual Abuse, Obsession, Poor Imagination, Ignoring Inner Voice Or Inner Child, Being Obsessed With Image, Broken Dreams, Emotional Vulnerability/ Immaturity/Wounds, Bad News, Childhood Issues, Envy, Promiscuity, Seduction, Cancelled Social Events/Engagements/ Proposals
When The Page of Cups appears, it’s a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward. The Page is an uplifting and encouraging sign to receive in a reading. It also can indicate that someone – likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Page of Cups using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: This is a message about love or about a deep emotional connection. The Page of Cups is most likely to be a muse, someone who inspires a work but never actually becomes your partner.
Tarot Triumphs: Waite’s Celtic Cross layout includes four more cards, making it an eleven-card spread. I have reduced it in scale for our purposes, since the seven-card layout is a more effective stepping-stone from the three-card reading to the full spread of twenty-two Trumps for the Fool’s Mirror layout. I think this shorter version also works better if you are using only the Tarot Trumps for a reading, without the four suits; eleven cards out of twenty-two possibilities is an awkward numberit’s too many to make the actual appearance of any one card significant. But if you do want to expand your own Celtic Cross readings into the full layout, you can find details in Waite’s book or easily track it down online.10
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Reversed Cards: If the upright version of this card sees the swords being driven into the body, perhaps here in the protection aspect we can see the swords as falling out of the body. A temporary reprieve from the inevitable. Well, the inevitable if you continue down your current path. Remember, this is an ending card. You can put an end to the pain once and for all if you just let go. Perhaps that is why you have a moment of reprieve here in the protection aspectso you can decide once and for all what cause of action you will take moving forward.