46-Page of Cups Reversed Golden Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Page of Cups specifically try The Page of Cups Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

In general, this card in reverse shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. At the same time, you have to know where the boundaries lie. Eventually we all have to pay the piper in some way. Be aware that actions have consequences.

Card Meanings: Becoming Sexually Active, Attention Seeking, Selfishness, Jealousy, Vindictiveness, No Desires, Sexual Abuse, Obsession, Poor Imagination, Ignoring Inner Voice Or Inner Child, Being Obsessed With Image, Broken Dreams, Emotional Vulnerability/ Immaturity/Wounds, Bad News, Childhood Issues, Envy, Promiscuity, Seduction, Cancelled Social Events/Engagements/ Proposals

When The Page of Cups appears, it’s a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward. The Page is an uplifting and encouraging sign to receive in a reading. It also can indicate that someone – likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Page of Cups using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: On the night of 7 July 1553, Mary Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII of England, was taken in and hidden at Sawston Hall by the occupants, the Huddleston family, when Lady Jane Grey, Henry’s grandniece, was declared Queen in Mary’s place. On the morning of 8 July, fearing for her life, Mary escaped disguised as a milkmaid. In revenge supporters of Lady Jane burned the house down.

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Creative Tarot: This is a message about love or about a deep emotional connection. The Page of Cups is most likely to be a muse, someone who inspires a work but never actually becomes your partner.

Tarot Triumphs: One of the best ways to start reading the Fool’s Mirror layout is to have someone read the cards for you this way. I was lucky; it’s how I came across the layout and experienced it in the first instance. My Tarot teacher, Glyn, both interpreted it for me and taught it to me. The chances are that this will be your first encounter with the layout, though, and I can only do my best here to lead you into it via the book and via encouraging you to practice. But if you wish to pass it on to others in due course, I do recommend that you offer a reading as part of the instruction. This way, although not every detail of the card positions may be clarified immediately, the layout imprints itself in the psyche, and a real connection with the cards can be established.

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Page of Cups Golden Family Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Swansea.

Reversed Cards: Card 3: What action can I take to start healing this trigger and bring my focus back to my wish, goal, or dream?