One Card Tarot


Choosing just one card for a Tarot  reading is the simplest way, and often the most powerful way of consulting the Tarot. You may draw a card as a daily card, for a monthly tarot reading, or in any way that suits what’s on your mind. Other reasons may be in relation to health, finances, career, spirituality, love and relations, or for any question you may wish to ask the Tarot.

A One-Card Tarot reading can be as simple as a specific yes or no answer, or it can be much more.

A single card has the advantage of a definitive and unambiguous answer. If there are no other cards the message is clear. You can’t blame the interpretation of one card on the reader.

There is a wealth of detail in a single card, especially if you have chosen a deck you can relate to.


From our New Salem Tarot Deck

Type of Reading

Guide for beginners:

  • Concentrate on any particular situation you may need help with.
  • When you are ready, select a card.
  • Speaking out loud or in your head, describe the card as if you were talking to a friend.
  • Don’t try to analyze the meaning of the card at this stage. Simply say what you see on the card
  • If you gain any insights as you are thinking about the card, jot them down.
  • Next think about possible interpretations. Do any of these meanings relate to your current life or the situation you sought help with?
  • Later in the day, reflect on the card and ask yourself the same questions. In what ways has the archetype  of the card appeared in your life?
  • If a single card for the day answer your question, try drawing another.
  • Remember that practice is key to interpreting One-Card Tarot Readings
  • Choose a second card or one from our Major Arcana Reading if you need further guidance on cards

Repeat with groups of two or more cards. How does one card connect to the others? What do they have in common? How do they contrast with one another? What would need to happen for the situation on one card to develop into the scene depicted on the next? Which characters are looking at each other? Which are looking away from one another? How might the characters on different cards interact.

This page is part of our Tarot Online. You may have wanted Tarot Card Meanings. You will find many more pages with tarot guidance. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We also have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

LLewellyns Complete Book of the Tarot by Anthony Luis Buy the Book!

Psychic World: In Tarot divination, results can be achieved with analysis of just one card, but for more thoroughness combinations of several cards in set patterns are usually used. These patterns are called spreads. There are many, many spreads, although the Celtic Cross is often taught to beginners as their first spread. More experienced practioners will use their own spreads, assigning their own meanings to the relevant positions represented.

Tarot Books

Complete Book of Tarot: Do the same exercise with groups of two or more cards. How does each card connect to the others? What do they have in common? How do they contrast with one another? What would need to happen for the situation on one card to develop into the scene depicted on the next? Which characters are looking at each other? Which are looking away from one another? How might the characters on different cards interact?

Complete Book of Tarot: This method makes use of the entire seventy-eight-card deck divided into thirteen six-card spreads (13 x 6 = 78). Choose a significator card to represent the querent. This can be done by matching the querent’s personality to one of the court cards, or in any other way you and the querent see fit. Shuffle and cut the cards, and then reassemble the deck. Beginning with house 1, proceed around the wheel placing one card in each house and one card in the center of the wheel (13 cards in all). Continue this process until the entire pack is used up. You will now have thirteen stacks of cards, one stack in each house and one stack in the center of the wheel. Each stack will contain six cards.

  • Do get in touch if you looked for One Card and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!

Portable Magic: By using more than one card in the triangle to express the fulfilment of the ritual purpose, it is possible to define and direct the fulfilment in desired ways, but no more than three number tarot cards should be used, in addition to a significator, within the triangle. As more and more number tarot cards are combined to express the purpose, that expression becomes less clear, until eventually