This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Nine of Questing specifically try The Nine of Questing Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
You may be 100% convinced that you are right and your partner is wrong about something when The reversed Nine of Questing appears in the context of love. That may indeed be the case, but you are not going to force your partner to see your point of view through anger and coercion. Try a gentle approach, and find out what underlies your partner’s point of view or actions. If you are looking for love, again, a gentle, thoughtful approach can work wonders. Hot and fast pursuit is likely to get you burned now.
Card Meanings: Rigid, Stalemate, Chronic Fatigue, Refusing To Compromise/ Give In, Giving Up, No Fight Left, Falling At The Final Hurdle, Weakness, Adversity, Retreat, Obstinate, Ill-Health, Unexpected Trouble, Lack Of Courage/ Persistence/ Perseverance/ Backbone, Dropping Your Guard, Not Learning From Past, Stubborn, Last One Standing, Withdrawal
This is basically a very positive card, however as you move towards the highest cards in the suit, more complexity and difficulty can be indicated. The Nine of Questing is where some would say this begins. This card can indicate anxiety and worry – being burdened and keyed up over concerns.
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Nine of Questing using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Seeing a reversed card as a shadow aspect allows you to see what attachments you have and what they are creating in your life. All attachments bring suffering in one form or another, which makes dealing with this shadow energy so important. You can actually use these reversed cards as part of a larger healing process, for when you detach yourself from suffering, you start seeing joy and opportunity in your life. This allows you to move out of a shadow archetype like the victim into a more empowered aspect of yourself. This will make more sense as we work with the shadow aspects of the cards. You will see more clearly how these can be points of healing and how they can move you from despair to hope.
Reversed Cards: There are times when our childhood memories can serve us, especially if they keep us from harm. By sensing a sound, smell, or feeling, your childhood instincts are now playing a huge part in keeping you safe and sound. It may seem dramatic, but its not. Trust your inner child right now, as it knows what needs to be done and what direction you need to go. It also knows when to act, when to be still, and how to feel. Cups are the emotional barometer of the tarot, and how you feel is key.
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Tarot for Beginners: Regardless of what is now known about the history of the Tarot, many of these mystical associations have remained, and are considered by many contemporary readers to offer useful insight into the cards. Some Tarot traditions are still rooted in the association between the Major Arcana and the Kabbalah, and there are particular spreads and even decks that center on this connection. Astrological correspondences are also commonly acknowledged, with each card linked to a sign of the Zodiac, a celestial body, or both. The four classical elements are acknowledged in most traditions, too, with each suit having the characteristics of either Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. These correspondence systems can vary widely, depending on the source, but nonetheless have the potential to add interest and insight to the Tarot experience.