This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Nine of Cups specifically try The Nine of Cups Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
reversed or upright, this card is a very good omen for your love life. Existing relationships are likely to deepen, become sweeter and more meaningful, at very deep levels. If you’re single, you are likely to meet someone with whom you can have a deep, very meaningful and real relationship in the next few weeks. Mingle!
Card Meanings: Illness, Eating Disorders, Unrewarding, Arrogance, Self-Hatred, Disappointment, Misery, Lack Of Success/Accomplishment, Lack Of Fulfilment, Failure, Disadvantage, Nightmares, Unhappiness, Pessimism, Addictions, Devastation, Overindulgence, Negativity, Shattered Dreams, Underachieving, Low Self-Esteem
The Nine of Cups is one of the most uplifting and pleasant cards to receive in a reading. Known often as the ‘wish card’ it can mean that what you are hoping for or dreaming about most is very likely to be yours in a brief period of time, generally, too.
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Nine of Cups using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Tarot Card Meanings: Nine of Cups; this card relates to fulfillment and achievement. Generally to wealth (either spiritual, emotional or material) achieved through hard work. This card is often described as the ‘Wish Card’ in older traditions and the cards surrounding it will clarify if your wishes are to be granted. Reversed it generally stands for the opposite meaning.
Tarot Triumphs: Glyn acted as interpreter of my dream when I plucked up the courage to write it down and send it to him. It was the start of an association that would last many years, during which he was a guide to me in matters esoteric and spiritual, especially Tarot and Kabbalah. I use the word ‘guide’ advisedly, since Glyn did not want to be anyone’s teacher in the conventional sense, let alone a guru. He was a Hermetic guide in the sense that Hermes Trismegistus himself guides the initiate through different stages of transformation; Glyn’s chosen role was to show others the way, rather than doing the job for them. Sometimes he did this through joking, or playing the trickster, or even by being downright rude. Thus, Glyn, as my third and most enduring Tarot master, encouraged me to look further. He operated by throwing out tantalizing fragments, provocative arguments, and enigmatic statements and rarely by giving me all the information on a plate. I had to find out a great deal for myself, and through my own experience.
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Reversed Cards: Sometimes we can be a little too eager to end things so we can begin something else. Not ending a cycle correctly just sets up a new cycle of struggle and turmoil. If you have received the Death card in the protection aspect, you are being urged to finish what you have started. Make sure you dont leave any loose ends. This will not only protect you in the here and now, but it will also protect future you as well. Keep in mind that what you do today will be what you live tomorrow or maybe next month. So make sure nothing and nobody can come back and bite you in the butt.