This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Nine of Cups specifically try The Nine of Cups Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
The reversed Nine of Cups tells you that rather than only looking at the numbers on your bank balance, you must also consider the quality of your life. If you are healthy, happy, with fulfilling relationships with family, friends, and the community, then you truly are wealthy beyond measure. At the same time, money is likely to be making at least a moderate increase soon when you receive this card.
Card Meanings: Illness, Eating Disorders, Unrewarding, Arrogance, Self-Hatred, Disappointment, Misery, Lack Of Success/Accomplishment, Lack Of Fulfilment, Failure, Disadvantage, Nightmares, Unhappiness, Pessimism, Addictions, Devastation, Overindulgence, Negativity, Shattered Dreams, Underachieving, Low Self-Esteem
On a day which is ruled by the Lord of Happiness, we need only open ourselves to the infinite blessings of the Universe, and we will be surrounded by warm happy loving energy. At its highest level, this card reminds us of the completely inexhaustible supply of love that flows continuously about us, and tells us to simply step forward and enjoy! In the hurly burly of modern life it’s easy to forget to count our blessings. And in so doing, we lose sight of a very basic spiritual truth – love IS all around us. Beauty springs up in the most unexpected places. Radiance and wonder abound in this world of ours. Yes – sure, there’s a lot of pain out there too. Sure, not everything may be as we wish it to be. Sure, we might hear a news report that does not fill us with faith and belief in the race.
But we can look up to the sky….and there (no matter what the weather) we will see an image of pure perfection. We can study a flower, and we will see a miracle. We can look at our lives and be thankful for all the things that we’re glad are present in it. And we can do this with an open heart – no doubts, no yes-buts, no compromises. When we do this, we fill our souls with the colour of wonder. We touch the dreaming parts of us. And once filled, those secret silent places can feed us strength when we confront ugliness or cruelty. All it takes to see the brightness of life is our willingness to look – without reservation. And when we see brightness, and we allow it to enter inside us, we become brighter, and hope is an easier emotion. So on a Lord of Happiness day, do these things – look until you find something perfect; seek till you discover something beautiful; contemplate until you find something to be grateful for. And having done those things, draw that beauty, that perfection, that gratitude inside you. And live the rest of the day in accordance with what you have discovered. You’ll make miracles!! I promise!
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Nine of Cups using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Do you allow yourself to experience pleasure? Is pleasure something you schedule into your life and expect to show up? Most people dont actually allow real pleasure into their lives, mainly because they are too full of other emotions to completely engage in the experience. But here in the mirror aspect of the Nine of Cups, you are being given another chance. Another opportunity to seek pleasure at a deeper, more spiritual level. In the words of Pema Chödrön, just ‘lean into’ yourself.
Reversed Cards: In The Ravens Prophecy Tarot, the Ten of Wands card shows a stag with ten glowing balls of light on it horns. I like to think of this as fiery energy lighting your way to a better path. Its as if the stag is a guide, a totem wanting to lead you through the shadow lands. It is quite liberating to think of this card as a liberator and not a bearer of more burdens. Use the light and guidance of this card to find your next phase, next cycle, and next new path out of the heavy, weighty shadow lands you currently seem to find yourself in.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Nine of Cups Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Archangel Barachiel.
Reversed Cards: Where does the Fool go if he is going backward? From the perspective of the major arcana, we could say that a retrograde Fool takes his journey in reverse, starting with the World card instead of the Magician. If the World was what he learned before he discovered his own inner skills, what chance would he have of survival? When we look at the natural progression of the Fools journey from one to twenty-one, it does seem mapped out in some logical order, but going backward from twenty-one to one looks a lot more daunting indeed. Yet that is exactly how a lot of people try to experience life. The Fool in the retrograde aspect can warn you of the overwhelm or dangers associated with finding yourself in a situation you have no skills to navigate through. We tend to grow into the person who would live the life we wish for naturally over time through all the small steps in between. However, without the learning curve, many watch as that wish slips through their fingers.