This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Salem Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for Master of Patens specifically try Master of Patens Salem Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
The Master of Patens reversed tells you that it’s important to think very long-range when it comes to finances and financial investments. Do not identify yourself or your long term prospects with any potential short-term downturns. Money is just a tool. Beware thinking of yourself as a failure if you are facing financial challenges. Financial challenges come to nearly everyone at some time or another. Think positively.
Card Meanings: Extortion, Ruthless, Poor Judgment, Discouraging, Obstinate, Cold, Collapse Of An Empire, Ungrounded Male, Unsuccessful Businessman, Disloyal, Corruption, Unfaithful, Bribes, Materialistic, Hasty Decisions, Underqualified, Slob, Instability, Uncaring, Broke, Calm, Greedy, Bankruptcy, Unsupportive, Gambler
The Master of Patens speaks of authority, tradition, and success in money matters. When he appears in a reading, it’s a sign that now is not a time to be a maverick, now is a time to follow the establish way of doing things. When he stands in for a literal man in your life, it generally refers to a very masculine fellow with hair and eyes on the darker end of the spectrum.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the Master of Patens using cards from the with the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Tarot Triumphs: The Pope and the High Priestess are both cards about knowledge, but the difference is this: the High Priestess sits directly before the veil, which marks the entrance to the inner sanctum, while the Pope is enthroned some distance from the two pillars of the holy temple. (The traditional images are reasonably consistent in this respect.) So, whereas the High Priestess is a symbol of direct contact with the inner mysteries, the Pope represents spiritual authority outside of the sanctuary. He is empowered to give blessings.18 He is also a teacher, as witnessed by the little figures who kneel in front of him; it was common at the time to represent the image of a spiritual master or teacher as much larger than that of his followers.19 The Pope is thus a giant to his disciples, just as an important teacher can loom large in our lives, remaining as a permanent inner signpost to guide us long after contact has ceased. A teacher may take on a role as a kind of superman or superwoman who can at times be a wonderful support along the way, but at others an obstacle to making our own discoveries. I think many of us recollect teaching figures of authority from our past who have inhibited our progress rather than advancing it. The Pope can therefore be a symbol of the transmission of knowledge through a recognized chain of authority, but his teaching can become dogma and his dictates fossilize into rigid mandates.
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Elements of the Psychic World: Although modern Wicca has countless characteristics the most distinctive remains that of the Wiccan Rede, which is akin to an oath of benign magical intent. The final line sums up the Wiccan philosophy; An it harm none, do what ye will.’ Others follow the slightly adapted Rede of An it harm none, do what ye will; if harm it does, do what ye must.’ Either way, the Rede is central to the understanding that it is within personal responsibility, rather than a religious authority, where moral structure resides. The Rede is one of the major differences between Wiccans and other types of witchcraft. Many traditional’ witches or followers of other craft paths, do not believe in the Rede. The Wiccan Rede is
Elements of the Psychic World: Even though the will was declared legal relatives of Kidd attempted to have it declared invalid. In 1964 the University of Life Church filed a suit against the relatives and a lengthy court battle over the money by a number of interested parties began. In 1967 in Phoenix, Judge L Myers heard 133 petitions from a number of organizations claiming to be the ideal candidates to carry out Kidd’s intent. The media dubbed it the Soul Trial’ and The ghost trial of the century’. Judge Myers eventually awarded the estate to the Burrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, as he thought their combined fields of science, psychiatry and psychology would be best able to utilize the money, but the ruling was overturned. A higher court intervened, and awarded the majority of the estate to
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