61-Knight of Swords Upright Golden Love Tarot Reading

This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Knight of Swords specifically try The Knight of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Romance, Love Or Relationships:

You may literally be about to be swept off your feet, whether you are male or female. If you are currently in a committed relationship, It may be about to brighten up quite a bit and become a whole lot deeper and more satisfying. If you’re looking for love, it may come along when you least expect it but you have to be having some sort of contact with other people for the door to be open to this. Get dressed up and go out on the town. You’ll have a blast.

Card Meanings: Go Against The Flow, Champion, Risk-Taker, Strong Man, Single-Minded, Impatient, Assertive, Intellectual, Rebellious, Focused, Soldier, Jump In, Perfectionist, Forward-Thinking, Honest, Clever Person, Ambitious, Hero, Seize The Moment, Quick-Wit, Direct, Big Changes/ Opportunities, Brave, Daring, Impulsive, Courageous, Talkative, Braver, Arrival/Departure

The Knight of Swords actually brings a fairly upbeat and cheerful energy. It can often mean that someone or something desirable is about to seek you out. The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak.

This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Knight of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Development for Beginners
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Development for Beginners: However, what you can do is use your astrological knowledge to discern how closely your potential love interest embodies the characteristics of the sign under

Try our Love Horoscopes: Aries and Taurus Match

Reversed Cards: The Knight of Swords is the first one to put his or her hand up for an adventure. Riding off to face a challenge is what this knight is all about. Unless, of course, he is having a bad day. Here in the blocked aspect, we find our knight a little confused over what direction he is headed and what he should do when he gets there, which is unusual for this particular knight. Confusion is not a natural state for him, so take your time and ride out the mind fog.

Portable Magic: He came up with the theory that the Egyptians had concealed their most important mystery wisdom in a book of tarot cards, by transforming the allegorical knowledge of the book into a card game. His understanding of the esoteric meanings of the Tarot trumps was published three years before his death as part of his enormous, but unfinished, Monde pnmitiJ: During the following century, the rest of the work was forgotten by posterity, but Court de Gkbelin’s theories of the Tarot became accepted as fact by many French occultists such as Paul Christian and Eliphas Levi.

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Portable Magic: be located on top of the card of a sign its planet rules. This is the safest and most rational way to position them, but there is nothing to prevent any modifier from being placed on any sign. We will examine them in greater detail in later chapters. When a planetary trump is laid on the circle, the symbol of the planet is visualized within the rectangle of light that floats above the zodiacal card on which it is placed, and the name of the planetary trump spoken aloud. The rectangle of light will contain both the symbol of the zodiac sign and above it, the symbol of the planet.