33-Knight of Questing Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading

This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Knight of Questing specifically try The Knight of Questing Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Family, Friends & Relationships:

The Knight is often a sign that you are about to get a message, whether they show up in a reading reversed or upright. Unfortunately though, if you are using the reversals for interpretation, The Knight of Questing in reverse can signify that the message will be along the lines of ‘There will be a delay, you will have to wait.’ If so, try to wait patiently. This card means what he says.

Card Meanings: Arrogant, Hyperactive, Lack Self-Discipline/ Control, Jealousy, Daredevil, Violent, Show-Off, Not Finishing What You Start, Domineering, Overly Competitive, Fearful, Abusive, Reckless, Narrow-Mindedness, Lack Of Enthusiasm/ Ambition/ Purpose, Passive, Jealous, Extremely Aggressive/ Hasty, Loud, Chip On Shoulder, Volatile, Suspicion, Overly Confident

When The Knight of Questing appears, this is a great time for travel if you can manage to get away. You should be feeling charged up, full of energy, and ready to get things done. Your self-confidence is likely to be increasing and this should help you toward your goals.

This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The Knight of Questing using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Surprisingly, the only injury to occur was on the night of 17 January, when Mr Jones tried to pick up a can of corn that had fallen off a shelf and a tin of sauerkraut smacked him on the back of the head. There was an occasional day of respite, but more often than not the family spent their time running from room to room to tidy up and repair the damage. Then suddenly, on 9 February the incidents stopped as mysteriously as they had begun.

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Reversed Cards: The Queen of Wands is known for her temper. You could say she has a habit of getting fired up, and today you have come across her in one of those days. The shadow aspect of this card knows no mercy and takes no prisoners. If you have gotten on the wrong side of this queen, prepare to pay the price. When this card shows up in a reading or daily draw, tempers are high, and more than likely nothing will be resolved until after the shouting has finished.

Tarot Triumphs: The earliest Tarot cards that survive come from Italy in the mid-fifteenth century. Several incomplete sets, which were exquisitely painted for aristocratic patrons such as the prominent Sforza and Visconti families, are still preserved. It was initially thought that one very fine deck originated earlier, in late fourteenth-century France, but this pack, still referred to as the Charles VI Tarot, is now more reliably designated as Italian. It was possibly made in Ferrara and is dated to the fifteenth century. Italy thus seems to have played a key role, if not the key role, in launching the Tarot in Europe. The Tarot Trumps known from this time are not numbered, and they are not always named either. Illustrations of many of these early examples are gorgeous and can quite easily be found online.

  • Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Knight of Questing Mage Family Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Perth.

Creative Tarot: Which is to say that the impulses are all the same. As are the methods, although the medium changes from culture to culture and from person to person. We take an image—this shape of the candle wax or that image on the tarot card—and imbue it with meaning. That meaning is personal to us; it draws something out of us. So if we have been feeling lonely lately, wondering if we will ever see an end to our dry spell and if we’ll ever fall in love again, we might see a man’s silhouette in that wax.